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Picture of a book: Obsesja doskonałości. Zostań legendą sportu

Obsesja doskonałości. Zostań legendą sportu

Jest to pierwsza na świecie książka poświęcona rozwojowi osobistemu sportowców, ich rodziców i trenerów, oparta na fundamencie duchowym.Autor odkrywa w niej nieopisane dotąd tajniki i sekrety umysłu, które mają bezpośredni wpływ na efektywność treningów i osiągane wyniki w sporcie. Sukces zależy bezpośrednio od umysłu zawodnika – samokontroli myśli, emocji, nawyków i charakteru. Udowadnia, że najważniejszym aspektem wybitnych sportowców jest ciężka praca, silna wola, serce do walki i pragnienie napędzane wyższym celem – spełnienia marzeń. Tylko na takim fundamencie można tworzyć najlepszych sportowców świata.Książka ta, pokazuje jak w prosty sposób zmienić osobowość zawodnika, by osiągał niemożliwe dotąd rezultaty. Czego się nauczysz i co możesz osiągnąć, przejmując kontrolę nad swoim umysłem?- stwórz nową osobowość – możesz dosłownie wybrać cechy swojego charakteru- zapanuj nad emocjami – koniec z autodestrukcyjnymi myślami, emocjami i nawykami- stan doskonałości – intuicyjny stan umysłu, w którym jesteś najefektywniejszy- strefa komfortu – jak pokonać próg bólu na treningu fizycznym, by efekty były po miesiącu, a nie po roku- intencja – szybka nauka doskonalenia umiejętności technicznych i fizycznych- ciężkiej pracy – niezachwianej motywacji i determinacji do spartańskich treningów- potężnej pewności siebie – charakterystycznej dla wybitnych sportowców
Picture of a book: Acid for the Children

Acid for the Children

The iconic bassist and co-founder of the Red Hot Chili Peppers tells his fascinating origin story, complete with all the dizzying highs and the gutter lows you'd want from an LA street rat turned world famous rock star.Michael Peter Balzary was born in Melbourne, Australia, on October 16, 1962. His more famous stage name, Flea, and his wild ride as the renowned bass player for the Red Hot Chili Peppers was in a far and distant future. Little Michael from Oz moved with his very conservative, very normal family to Westchester, New York, where life as he knew it was soon turned upside down. His parents split up and he and his sister moved into the home of his mother's free-wheeling, jazz musician boyfriend, Walt--trading in rules, stability, and barbecues for bohemian values, wildness, and Sunday afternoon jazz parties where booze, weed, and music flowed in equal measure. Michael was frightened by the lack of order in his new reality and his volatile new stepfather, but found his salvation in the world of passionate musicians the Walt exposed him to. There began his life-long journey to channel all the frustration, loneliness, love, and joy he felt into incredible rhythm.When Michael's family moved to Los Angeles in 1972, his home situation was rockier than ever. He sought out a sense of belonging elsewhere, spending most of his days partying, playing basketball, and committing petty crimes. At Fairfax High School, he met another social outcast, Anthony Kiedis, who quickly became his soul brother, the yin to his yang, his partner in mischief. Michael joined some bands, fell in love with performing, and honed his skills. But it wasn't until the night when Anthony, excited after catching a Grandmaster Flash concert, suggested they start their own band that he is handed the magic key to the cosmic kingdom.Acid for the Children is as raw, entertaining and wildly unpredictable as its author. It's both a tenderly evocative coming of age story and a raucous love letter to the power of music and creativity.
Picture of a book: The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton And The Discovery Of Earth's Antiquity

The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton And The Discovery Of Earth's Antiquity

There are three men whose contributions helped free science from the straitjacket of theology. Two of the three-Nicolaus Copernicus and Charles Darwin-are widely known and heralded for their breakthroughs. The third, James Hutton, never received the same recognition, yet he profoundly changed our understanding of the earth and its dynamic forces. Hutton proved that the earth was likely millions of years old rather than the biblically determined six thousand, and that it was continuously being shaped and re-shaped by myriad everyday forces rather than one cataclysmic event. In this expertly crafted narrative, Jack Repcheck tells the remarkable story of this Scottish gentleman farmer and how his simple observations on his small tract of land led him to a theory that was in direct confrontation with the Bible and that also provided the scientific proof that would spark Darwin's theory of evolution. It is also the story of Scotland and the Scottish Enlightenment, which brought together some of the greatest thinkers of the age, from David Hume and Adam Smith to James Watt and Erasmus Darwin. Finally, it is a story about the power of the written word. Repcheck argues that Hutton's work was lost to history because he could not describe his findings in graceful and readable prose. (Unlike Darwin's Origin of the Species, Hutton's one and only book was impenetrable.) A marvelous narrative about a little-known man and the science he founded, The Man Who Found Time is also a parable about the power of books to shape the history of ideas.

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