
Picture of a movie: Fed Up
Picture of a movie: Betting on Zero
Picture of a movie: going clear: scientology and the prison of belief
Picture of a movie: Deep Web
Picture of a movie: Hot Coffee
Picture of a movie: Harlan County U.S.A.
Picture of a movie: Why We Fight
Picture of a movie: Capitalism: A Love Story
Picture of a movie: Forks Over Knives
Picture of a movie: The Queen of Versailles
Picture of a movie: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Picture of a movie: Jesus Camp
Picture of a movie: Four Horsemen
Picture of a movie: Inside Job
Picture of a movie: Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
Picture of a movie: the fog of war: eleven lessons from the life of robert s. mcnamara

29 Movies

Grasping for Knowledge

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The only thing I know about the world is that I know next to nothing about it, outside of my own lived experiences and the lies the people in charge tell us to keep our curiosities in check (if we have any at all, that is. asking the tough questions isn't exactly rewarded behavior and as a collective whole we seem to have issues with long term memory). While mine might get me killed, here's to hoping satisfaction will bring this kitty back.

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