
23 Music Artists
80's and 90's nostalgia
December 2021 | 987 views
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Recent Desc
Some oldies but goldies from the 80's and 90's, dance and more.
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Strange TV shows
Some TV shows with a strange or dark edge that I enjoyed.
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Some test list
List includes: The Silence of the Lambs
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Music for long night drives
Nice downtempo electronic music, perfect for chilling or (preferably rainy) long night drives.
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The Fascinating World of Economics
Economics is ultimately about human behaviour. Understanding it can help deconstruct many common myths and fallacies.
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Movies with best soundtracks
Movies with great soundtracks that make you want to dance, send shivers down your spine, or just make you nostalgic.
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Movies with biggest plot twist
Some movies with totally unexpected plot twists that are scary or leave you wondering.
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