
Picture of a movie: Dazed and Confused
Picture of a TV show: Community
Picture of a movie: The Producers
Picture of a movie: Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood
Picture of a book: the subtle art of not giving a f*ck: a counterintuitive approach to living a good life
Picture of a TV show: Planet Earth
Picture of a movie: Some Like It Hot
Picture of a book: Bossypants
Picture of a book: Naked
Picture of a movie: Design for Living
Picture of a podcast: My Dad Wrote A Porno
Picture of a podcast: How Did This Get Made?
Picture of a book: The Great Gatsby
Picture of a TV show: Freaks and Geeks
Picture of a TV show: Arrested Development
Picture of a TV show: Succession

27 Shows, 24 Movies, 12 Podcasts, 10 Books

Escaping our Fears: Best Movies, Books, TV Shows and Podcasts For Relaxing During a Pandemic

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We all deserve a break from the news cycle! Here are some of the most relaxing picks to watch, read and listen to across all genres, to de-stress while social distancing is in order.

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