Books like Arctic-Nation
This is the third in the Blacksad series I am reading, this one the second volume, though the order doesn't really seem to matter. Start anywhere. I liked the first one best, in part because the characters as animals approach was so well done, and it was so fresh for me; I liked the fourth volume less well. This one is sort of in between. It's a little too much story for 56 pages, I think, but as with all of these in this series, the storytelling and dialogue take second place anyway to the amazing Juan Guarnido artwork, which is all by itself worth picking it up. Guarnido brings characters, even animal characters, to life, and uses watercolors with a sense of flair and style. Gorgeous artwork.The story is a potentially rich one, focused as it is on southern racism of the 1950;s, involving a kind of KKK white supremacist organization, and Blacksad as (mostly) black works his way into the tale as not only investigator but object of derision. The tale involves a kidnapping, (maybe) pedophilia, a mixed marriage, and finally too much for this volume, in my opinion, but it's not boring. But even if you just look at the artwork, you will be amazed, so I will continue to find all the other volumes. It sort of is standard noir type telling, very much in the fifties noir style, which I like, generally, but it's done just okay as story.