
Picture of a movie: Coco Before Chanel
Picture of a TV show: High Fidelity
Picture of a movie: Antz
Picture of a movie: The Time Machine
Picture of a movie: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Picture of a movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Picture of a movie: Happythankyoumoreplease
Picture of a movie: Beware the Gonzo
Picture of a movie: City of God
Picture of a movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Picture of a movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Picture of a movie: Fargo
Picture of a movie: Being There
Picture of a movie: White Oleander
Picture of a movie: Brooklyn
Picture of a movie: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

206 Movies, 8 Shows

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