
Picture of a movie: Excalibur
Picture of a TV show: Earthsea
Picture of a TV show: The Hexer
Picture of a TV show: Merlin
Picture of a TV show: Legend of the Seeker
Picture of a TV show: The Outpost
Picture of a TV show: conan
Picture of a movie: Your Highness
Picture of a movie: Wolfhound
Picture of a movie: ring of the nibelungs
Picture of a movie: The Shamer's Daughter
Picture of a movie: Age of the Dragons
Picture of a movie: Mythica: The Darkspore
Picture of a movie: Mythica: A Quest for Heroes
Picture of a movie: Krull
Picture of a movie: DragonHeart

15 Movies, 6 Shows

Low-Budget High-Fantasy binge

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Some seriously silly fantasy movies in the vain of Lord of The ring, yet not as solid. Ambitious yet lacking... or generally cheap.