
Picture of a movie: The Lost Boys
Picture of a TV show: Midnight Mass
Picture of a movie: Mary Shelley
Picture of a movie: The Witch
Picture of a TV show: The Haunting of Bly Manor
Picture of a movie: Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
Picture of a TV show: True Blood
Picture of a TV show: Hemlock Grove
Picture of a TV show: The Vampire Diaries
Picture of a TV show: Hannibal
Picture of a TV show: The Haunting of Hill House
Picture of a TV show: Jane Eyre
Picture of a movie: Great Expectations
Picture of a movie: nosferatu, eine symphonie des grauens
Picture of a movie: House of Usher
Picture of a movie: Wuthering Heights

80 Movies, 12 Shows

Gothic movies & tv shows

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