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45 Music Artists


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Picture of a musician: Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses is an American hard rock band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1985. When they signed to Geffen Records in 1986, the band comprised vocalist Axl Rose, lead guitarist Slash, rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin, bassist Duff McKagan, and drummer Steven Adler. The current lineup consists of Rose, Slash, McKagan, guitarist Richard Fortus, drummer Frank Ferrer and keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Melissa Reese.

Guns N' Roses' debut album, Appetite for Destruction (1987), reached number one on the Billboard 200 a year after its release, on the strength of the top 10 singles "Welcome to the Jungle", "Paradise City", and "Sweet Child o' Mine", the band's only single to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The album has sold approximately 30 million copies worldwide, including 18 million units in the United States, making it the country's bestselling debut album and eleventh-bestselling album. Their next studio album, G N' R Lies (1988), reached number two on the Billboard 200, sold ten million copies worldwide (including five million in the U.S.), and included the top 5 hit "Patience". Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II, recorded simultaneously and released in 1991, debuted at number two and number one on the Billboard 200 respectively and have sold a combined 35 million copies worldwide (including 14 million units in the U.S.). The Illusion albums included the lead single "You Could Be Mine", covers of "Live and Let Die" and "Knockin' on Heaven's Door", and a trilogy of ballads ("Don't Cry", "November Rain", and "Estranged"), which featured notably high-budget music videos. The records were supported by the Use Your Illusion Tour, a world tour that lasted from 1991 to 1993. The covers album "The Spaghetti Incident?" (1993) was the last studio album to feature Slash and McKagan before their initial departure.

Picture of a musician: AC ⁄ DC


Exodus je američki treš metal bend osnovan u Ričmondu u Kaliforniji 1979. godine. Ovaj bend prate brojne promene sastava grupe, dve prolongirane pauze, i smrt dvojice tadašnjih članova benda. Trenutni sastav benda čine gitariste Geri Holt i Li Altus, basista Džek Gibson, bubnjar Tom Hanting, i glavni vokalista Stiv „Zitro“ Suza. Hanting je jedan od originalnih članova grupe. Izašao je iz Exodus-a čak dva puta, jednom 1989. a drugi put 2004, no vratio se 2007. godine. Holt se pridružio bendu dve godine nakon osnivanja, i jedini je član Exodus-a koji se pojavljuje u svim izdanjima.

Od svog osnivanja pa do današnjeg dana, Exodus je izbacio deset studijskih albuma, dva lajv albuma,jednu kompilaciju albuma, i jedno ponovno snimanje prvog albuma. Zajedno sa grupama kao što su Metallica (čiji je dugogodišnji glavni gitarista Kirk Hamet bio jedan od originalnih članova Exodus-a), Possessed, Testament, Death Angel, Vio-Lence, Forbidden i Lȧȧz Rockit, predstavljaju pionire treš metal scene; i prodali su preko pet miliona albuma širom sveta. Exodus je na vrhuncu svoje karijere bio sredinom osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, kada je bend izbacio tri studijska albuma― „Bonded by Blood“ 1985, „Pleasures of the Flesh“ 1987, i „Fabulous Disaster“ 1989. godine. Album „Fabulous Disaster“ dobio je izvanredne kritike od velikih izdavača, uključujući Capitol Records, sa kojim su sarađivali 1989. godine. Nakon toga, bend izbacuje još dva studijska albuma, naime „Impact Is Imminent“ 1990. i „Force of Habit“ 1992. godine. Nakon ovolikog uspeha, bend se raspušta 1994.godine. Ponovo se ujedinjuju 2001, a pre toga povremeno nastupaju zajedno od 1997. do 1998. godine. Od ponovnog ujedinjenja 2001. godine, Exodus izbacuje još pet studijskih albuma, od kojih je najskorije izašao „Blood In, Blood Out“ 2014. godine. Bend trenutno radi na još jednom albumu, koji bi trebalo da izađe krajem 2019. ili početkom 2020. godine.