
Picture of a TV show: el vecino
Picture of a TV show: The Neighbor

2 Shows

Needs Merge 7 - The Neighbor / El Vecino

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This title STILL can't be found in a regular search months after asking TasteDive to fix. It is the English title of the TV Show "El Vecino" which does turn up in a search. They should be merged and xref'd if TasteDive ever gets around to fixing the mounting db issues instead of making the UI bloated and more difficult to navigate.

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Picture of a TV show: Drug Squad: Costa del Sol

Drug Squad: Costa del Sol

1977. Torremolinos, Málaga (Andalusia, south to Spain). In a country that it's opening its doors to the world with The Spanish Transition after General Franco's death in 1975, four police detectives meet in the Costa del Sol to fight the new and recently installed drug trafficking that it's operating in the zone. They are Bruno, a veteran cop recent father of his first child with his wife Charo, brother of the 10 years younger Vicky, a fragile and free-spirited teen who despises him and their mother Alicia, and a hero fallen on disgrace by his unorthodox methods after an incident with his former boss Inspector Cifuentes; Leo, a high-class gentleman son of a retired general of dictatorship's days who tries to find his own way outside the family legacy; Terrón, a young man from a low-class family and streetwise agent wanting to clean the streets where he grew up; and Martín, a strategist and thoughtful detective more interested to dismantle the origin of the big drug traffickers instead arresting little street drug dealers as Chino, Franchi and their friends. In the other side of the law is Reyes, a self-made man and the ambitious owner of a disco named Camelot married with controller Marielena, who decides turn with her in drug dealers to win easy money, working for a rich Morrocan, Alsi, who is a drug provider. The circle is completed with Yolanda, nicknamed "Buhíta", a young girl with Franchi's girlfriend Sole as best friend who works in Camelot as waitress and what she's looking for her father's assassins, Cristóbal and Atilano Peña, two brothers and former legionaries turned in dangerous criminals. With very few resources, a lot of ingenuity and the braveness required to confront maximum danger situations, the spectacular results of Bruno, Leo, Terrón and Martín are equivalent to the risk for their lives, specially when Cifuentes reappears being named boss of the squad, and after that Bruno and Leo become interested to get Buhíta's love.