
Picture of a book: Shamanic Spirit: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment
Picture of a book: Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self
Picture of a book: The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose
Picture of a book: The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
Picture of a book: Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change
Picture of a book: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

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Picture of a book: I Hope I Screw This Up: How Falling In Love with Your Fears Can Change the World

I Hope I Screw This Up: How Falling In Love with Your Fears Can Change the World

A New York Times, USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! If Eckhart Tolle and Jim Carrey had a baby, that baby would be Kyle Cease.After twenty-five years of achieving what he thought were his dreams of being a headlining touring comedian and actor, Kyle Cease suddenly discovered that the belief that “When something happens, I will be happy” is a complete lie. With nothing more than an intuition, he decided to quit his stand-up career at its peak, and now—as a transformational comedian, he brings his one-of-a-kind self-help wisdom to sold-out audiences in his Evolving Out Loud Live stage show. In I Hope I Screw This Up, he disarms readers as he leads them to their own personal breakthroughs, helping them to recognize that actual happiness and fulfillment is available to them—not in some distant future, but right now. As he has shown audiences all over the world, when you embrace your pain, fear, and vulnerability instead of pushing it away, you will discover an authentic creativity and power that is truly unstoppable. Using self-deprecating personal stories, hilarious observations on life, and poorly drawn illustrations, Kyle unravels the deepest issues standing between us and emotional freedom. From discovering the never-ending opportunities that come from playing—and going with whatever comes up in the moment—to learning to let go of what feels heavy in our lives, this book is a journey into the endless possibility that can appear if we just dare to let go of our fear of screwing up.This is not motivation. This is not inspiration. This is true transformation.
Picture of a book: Personal Power through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People

Personal Power through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People

Sanaya Roman, Orin
An Internationally Bestselling Orin BookThis book is a national and internationally best-selling classic with a timeless message. It has been translated into over 24 languages.Note: The revised eBook edition has been updated, however it is essentially the same as the printed edition in the information and teaching it contains.Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power Through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a wise and compassionate being of love and light. This wise and gentle spirit teacher offers a systematic course in sensing energy through this book.Using these easy-to-follow processes, hundreds of thousands of people have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and feel loved. Other people's moods or negativity need no longer affect you. You can recognize when you have taken on other people's energies and easily release them.Your sensitivity is a gift. You can learn to use it to send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, and open to higher guidance. You can leave the denser energies, where things are often painful, and live in the higher energies where you can feel more loving, calm, and positive.In this book, you will explore how to stay centered and balanced, know who you are, and increase the positive energy around you. Chapters include guidance about sensing energy, such as how to sense your own energy, other people's energy, and the energy in your home and environment. You will learn how to sense and direct the unseen energy around you that may be affecting you.You will explore how to be aware of the affect other people's energy is having on you, and learn to stay neutral. You will discover more about how to create a healing connection with others, knowing how much to give and how much to receive.You will discover more about who you are and strengthen your commitment to yourself and your path. You will discover more about when to pay attention to your own needs and when to be selfless. You can learn to let go of feeling responsible for everyone's happiness!You will also learn to become aware of what is in your unconscious mind, bringing any limiting beliefs and thoughts into your awareness so you can release them. You can love who you are right now, not who you or other people think you should be.Orin assists you in opening your intuition, listening to it, and taking action on it. You will look at the role of the mind, your inner dialog, and how to raise your vibration.You will learn about how telepathy works. You cannot know what you are picking up telepathically until you know your own energy, so you will learn how to better recognize your own energy. You can gain control over telepathic messages that come into your mind from others, and choose which ones to pay attention to.You will explore how to receive guidance, light, and energy from the beings of light, your soul, and the Masters and guides. They are always offering you love, guidance, and energy; all you need do is ask for it and be open to receive it.
Picture of a book: You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

Joe Dispenza
     Is it possible to heal by thought alone—without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect. In You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson’s disease by believing in a placebo. Similarly, Dr. Joe tells of how others have gotten sick and even died the victims of a hex or voodoo curse—or after being misdiagnosed with a fatal illness. Belief can be so strong that pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies to try to exclude the power of the mind over the body when evaluating new drugs.     Dr. Joe does more than simply explore the history and the physiology of the placebo effect. He asks the question: “Is it possible to teach the principles of the placebo, and without relying on any external substance, produce the same internal changes in a person’s health and ultimately in his or her life?” Then he shares scientific evidence (including color brain scans) of amazing healings from his workshops, in which participants learn his model of personal transformation, based on practical applications of the so-called placebo effect. The book ends with a “how-to” meditation for changing beliefs and perceptions that hold us back—the first step in healing.     You Are the Placebo combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect . . . and show how the seemingly impossible can become possible.
Picture of a book: The Top 10 Things Dead people Want to Tell you: The Ultimate How to Guide to Living Life with Zero Regrets

The Top 10 Things Dead people Want to Tell you: The Ultimate How to Guide to Living Life with Zero Regrets

This book completely changed my way of thinking about a lot of things, the primary one being that when we're ready to die, we will die - it's not up to Father Time or anyone else, we simply allow ourselves to go. There is a chapter on suicide that delves into this and having experienced this in my life I found this concept comforting, that at any point we have complete control over our lives; that we shape our destiny through our thoughts and beliefs; that we create the circumstances that we find ourselves in; and that if we choose to end the life we have chosen to live that we will return to repeat the lessons again until we get out of them what we came here to get out of them.I loved the idea that as human beings, our souls find Earth the most challenging playground, so if we're here right now, we're here because we were totally up for the challenge. People that complain about their lives have no idea about the magnificent powers of the Universe that helped them get here in the first place, and how sad is it that these people can't see through the bad to embrace what has been given to them and rise to the challenge.I really enjoyed the chapter on animals and especially pets; how they travel through one lifetime to another with us.If you're ready to have your mind reshaped, this book will certainly do it for you. I have found more (resonating) answers in this book than I have ever found in any religious document.Mike Dooley, thank you for writing this book and for being my angel here on Earth.
Picture of a book: Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul

Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul

Caroline Myss
Definitely tops all of her other books, at least for me. In fact, this may be the best book I have ever read, as far as the effect it had on me. My favorite quote: "It takes great courage to look for God. It takes far greater courage to find God." When you truly find God, you will understand the meaning of this quote. To invite God to take over your life is to invoke Divine Chaos into your life. If you are not ready for this type of spiritual upheaval, don't enter the Castle. I was excited when I started reading it, all set to start my mystical life. It wasn't long before the reading became so painful that I put it down and thought I might never pick it up again. It was too personal, it made me see things in myself that I'd never seen before and wasn't prepared to examine. If this is what it takes to be a mystic, I don't need it. If the book had been written by anyone else, I would have deposited it in the nearest waste receptacle and gone about my merry way. But I have too much respect for Caroline Myss to turn my back on and walk away from anything she says. Some of her words are harsh, but she calls it a she sees it. She has no choice, given the places she's gone, the things that have been revealed to her. I did the 'soul work" and got through one mansion after another. By the time I reached the fourth mansion, it was pure joy - the seventh mansion was ecstacy. I will definitely go back and revisit this book, when I am feeling strong enough.
Picture of a book: Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer
People come to me for advice. They think I give great advice. I say...they're right :-) But...sometimes someone comes to me with a problem that I dont feel I can help with, and just as I'm about to say "Im sorry, I don't know how to advise you about that", I open my mouth and what actually comes flying out is AMAZING, PHENOMENAL advice beyond what I felt I could deliver. While the words are coming out, I get a "knowing" about this problem and I can see it from different angles. And I get a confidence that what I'm giving is very sound advice. After the conversation is over, I'm left thinking "What the....? Where did all that come from??". I've learned that this is a form of channeling. My guide speaks to others through me sometimes.Ive always thought channeling was when someone goes into a trance and invokes some otherworldly being to jump into their body and take over, and then they start speaking in a voice thats dramatically different than their usual voice, and when it's over the person 'wakes up' and has no memory of what they said or did. This seemed pretty extreme to me and it's not something I would have ever volunteered to do with my own body. I've learned that this is called trance channeling and its only 1 form of channeling. The way I channel is pretty much the opposite of what I imagined channeling to be. Im fully conscious, aware, and in control of my body and everything I say and do, although I dont always know what I'm going to say before it comes out. Before I read this book, channeling for me was just something that happened that I didnt know was even happening. This book gave a name to what I experience sometimes, and I learned about the process, how to control it, and different ways to use it. I have no plans to become one of the channels who gives readings for others, but now at least I know that I have this ability, and I know how to use it to get answers to my own questions and help with my own life. Great book...
Picture of a book: Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide

Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide

Deepak Chopra
世界中のセレブが全幅の信頼を置く医学博士をご存知ですか? 心と体の医学およびウェルビーイング分野における世界的な第一人者。 『タイム』誌が選ぶ20世紀の英雄と象徴トップ100人」のひとり。 『ハフィントンポスト』による調査で、医学でもっとも影響を及ぼした人物、1位。 彼らの名はディーパック・チョプラ博士。 レディ・ガガは彼についてこう語っています。 「私の人生に最も影響を与えた人物」 故マイケル・ジャクソン、マドンナ、ミランダ・カー、ゴルバチョフ元ソ連大統領、クリントン元米大統領など 名だたるセレブたちに支持されるチョプラ博士が説くアーユルヴェーダの集大成! この本は、「完全な健康」のための理論と方法をつまびらかに紹介しています。 その手法は、インドで5000年以上の歴史を持つ伝統医学「アーユルヴェーダ」を元にしたもの。 ほかにも「アロマセラピー」「瞑想」「ヨガ」……etc これらの技法は、どれもアーユルヴェーダに含まれています。 すべての健康法のベースにあるとも言えるのがインドの伝統医学「アーユルヴェーダ」なのです。 これに量子力学の考えを組み合わせ、独自に開発されたのがチョプラ博士の