
Picture of a movie: The Notebook
Picture of a movie: Annie
Picture of a movie: Gremlins
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Picture of a movie: The Goonies
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Picture of a movie: Valley Girl
Picture of a movie: Return to Oz
Picture of a movie: Airheads
Picture of a movie: The House of Yes
Picture of a movie: The Last Days of Disco
Picture of a movie: After Hours
Picture of a movie: Three Identical Strangers
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Picture of a movie: The Godfather Part II
Picture of a movie: Whiplash

31 Movies

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Picture of a movie: What About Bob?

What About Bob?

Dr. Leo Marvin, an egotistical psychotherapist in New York City, is looking forward to his upcoming appearance on a "Good Morning America" telecast, during which he plans to brag about "Baby Steps," his new book about emotional disorder theories in which he details his philosophy of treating patients and their phobias. Meanwhile, Bob Wiley is a recluse who is so afraid to leave his own apartment that he has to talk himself out the door. When he is pawned off on Leo by a psychotherapist colleague, he becomes attached to him. Leo finds Bob extremely annoying. When Leo accompanies his wife, Faye, his daughter, Anna, and his son, Sigmund, to a peaceful New Hampshire lakeside cottage for a month-long vacation, he thinks he's been freed from Bob. Leo expects to mesmerize his family with his prowess as a brilliant husband and remarkable father who knows all there is to know about instructing Faye and raising Anna and Sigmund. But Bob isn't going to let him enjoy a quiet summer by the lake. By cleverly tricking the telephone operator at Leo's exchange, Bob discovers the whereabouts of him and his family. Despite his phobia about traveling alone, Bob somehow manages to talk himself onto a bus, and he arrives in New Hampshire. Leo's vacation comes to a screeching halt the moment he sees him. With his witty personality, his ability to manipulate people, and his good sense of humor, he quickly becomes an annoyance to Leo, but not to Faye, Anna, and Sigmund, because they think he is fun while Leo is dull. Fearing that he's losing his family to him, Leo frantically tries to find a way to make him go back to New York City, and it's not as easy as he had hoped. He finds himself stepping outside the law to try to get Bob to stay away from Faye, Anna, and Sigmund--he slowly goes berserk, and makes plans to kill Bob.
Picture of a movie: Desperately Seeking Susan

Desperately Seeking Susan

Housewife Roberta Glass of Fort Lee, New Jersey, is feeling restless in her life, where she has not taken any chances, including in her marriage to home spa retailer Gary Glass, who knows what to expect in her every move, and who is more concerned about his public image with respect to his business than her. If being honest, Gary would consider her uptight. She does have a few diversions, one of her favorite being reading the personal classifieds, most specifically those written by someone named Jim whose ads are always titled "Desperately Seeking Susan". Roberta gleans that Jim and Susan are in a relationship of sorts with the ads the only way for him to get in touch with her as she travels around the country. Obsessed with the pair, Roberta decides to go to Battery Park when the latest ad requests Susan meet Jim there. In her sighting from afar, Roberta can see that Susan is a wild, new wavish attired woman, to some extent a polar opposite to Roberta herself. Out of circumstance, Roberta is able to purchase Susan's easily identifiable leather jacket from a third party, which in the process leads to Roberta getting amnesia, further resulting in her being able to obtain all of Susan's personal possessions, making her believe that she must be who these possessions point to her being. This causes some confusion for Dez, a friend of Jim's who has never met Susan, and who Jim, a rock musician, asked to look after Susan in his needed absence out of town for a gig. Dez, a movie projectionist, can't help but fall for Roberta who he believes is Susan, while Roberta, in her newfound freedom, falls for Dez in return. What Roberta is unaware of, even before her amnesia, is that a criminal, Wayne Nolan, who has already killed once, is after Susan with regard to some priceless Egyptian earrings Susan has out of circumstance, he only knowing her from that iconic leather jacket. Susan does eventually learn this information about Wayne and thus tries to track down this mysterious woman who has stolen her possessions both to get back her stuff but also warn her about Wayne. Matters will only get more complicated as Gary gets closer to tracking down his missing wife, when Jim comes back into town looking for Susan, and if and when Roberta regains her memory.