
Picture of a book: find me
Picture of a book: Talking with Serial Killers: The Most Evil People in the World Tell Their Own Stories
Picture of a book: Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine
Picture of a book: Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer
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5 Books

Books I've read in 2020

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Picture of a book: The Dark Side of the Mind: True Stories from My Life as a Forensic Psychologist

The Dark Side of the Mind: True Stories from My Life as a Forensic Psychologist

Kerry Daynes
\ 'Enthralling and terrifying in equal amounts. A chilling glimpse into a world unseen by so many and perhaps for very good reasons. Kerry guides us gently, but firmly, through her incredible world of miscreants, monsters and the misunderstood. Both unforgettable and unputdownable.' PROFESSOR DAME SUE BLACK, Britain's leading forensic anthropologist and author of the Sunday Times bestseller All That Remains \ For those of us who play by the rule book, few things are more fascinating and rankling than those who choose to tear it apart. Some of the stories I tell here are heart-breaking, others enraging and some plain weird but what connects them is the insight they give us into the human condition.Kerry Daynes has worked with some of the most complex and challenging criminals in prisons and secure hospitals as well as the victims of crime. A large part of her day job is spent delving into the psyche of convicted men and women to try to understand what lies behind their actions and how to set them on the path to becoming law-abiding citizens. Welcome to the life of a forensic psychologist. No two days are the same. The people you work with are wildly unpredictable, sometimes frightening and often deeply frustrating. Drawing on her case files from the frontline, The Dark Side of the Mind offers readers an unforgettable insight into the psychological causes of some of the most extreme forms of human behaviour, and what the treatment and incarceration of those who transgress says about society.
Picture of a book: Belinda Blinked 6

Belinda Blinked 6

Belinda Blinked 6 continues the story of erotic travel; of sexual examination; of totally forgettable characters… and espionage not encountered since the Cold War. Add a pinch of family betrayal… yes family; long forgotten relatives and stab in the back work colleagues you encounter what many Sales Directors have experienced personally in the past.Once again Rocky Flintstone, the self-published author who put the 'rot' in Erotica, presents his 6th book of the Belinda Blinked series.Belinda Blumenthal, searching for a new role in Steeles Pots and Pans, has found herself once again in deep water… so deep it may drown her. But never one to just hide in a corner and give up, Blumenthal comes out of her ringside corner fighting. All this and without the assistance of her trusted lover and friend, James Spooner lately of MI6. However, can she still rely on the mysterious Duchess and potentially the Confidential Order of Cookware Knights?Her nemesis, Herr Wolfgang Bisch, the slippery owner of Bisch Herstellung of East Berlin, has made an all out push to bring Blumenthal fully within his clutches… will he succeed? Can even Belinda survive this unsurmountable series of events. In this mad world of backstabbing, serious espionage and missing blueprints, can the new Steeles Pots and Pans executive team survive for long and where does the mysterious symbol BBB lead too? Critics have acknowledged that many answers lie in this book so continue your journey with the sexiest salesgirl in modern history... Belinda Blumenthal.
Picture of a book: Obława. Manhunt

Obława. Manhunt

Pasjonująca historia ujęcia Leviego Bellfielda, jednego z najbardziej osławionych brytyjskich seryjnych zabójców ostatnich pięćdziesięciu lat.21 marca 2002 roku o godzinie 15.07 Milly Dowler po raz ostatni wyszła ze szkoły w Surrey. Niecałą godzinę później została porwana i zamordowana w najokrutniejszy możliwy sposób. Mimo rozpoczętych natychmiast poszukiwań, minęły miesiące nim odnaleziono jej ciało.W ciągu następnych dwóch lat w wyniku napaści o brutalności, którą trudno opisać, zginęły kolejne dwie młode kobiety: Marsha McDonnell oraz Amélie Delagrange.Choć w przypadku trzech morderstw może się to wydać dziwne, śledczy dysponowali znikomą ilością tropów i wkrótce zaczęło im brakować pomysłów oraz opcji – do chwili, aż w sprawę morderstwa Amélie Delagrange włączony został nadkomisarz Colin Sutton. Nie tylko dostrzegł on związek między trzema przypadkami, ale także presja, pod jaką się znalazł, kierując ściganiem seryjnego zabójcy okazała się dla niego na tyle inspirująca, że choć sprawa nieraz wydawała się beznadziejna, w końcu doprowadził mordercę przed oblicze sprawiedliwości.Opowieść Colina Suttona, będąca równocześnie chwytającym za gardło dokumentem procedur policyjnych, jak i spojrzeniem na życie człowieka przepełnionego złem, ujawnia kulisy pojmania skrajnie agresywnego mordercy, zanim ponownie uderzy.NA PODSTAWIE KSIĄŻKI POWSTAŁ BESTSELLEROWY MINISERIAL TELEWIZYJNY OBŁAWA. MANHUNT