
Picture of a book: The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive and Vitality Naturally with the Gottfried Protocol
Picture of a book: Eat the Yolks
Picture of a book: Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself
Picture of a book: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

4 Books

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Picture of a book: Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome

James L. Wilson
Find out how stress affects your body and what you can do to recover and protect your health in this comprehensive self-help book.Are you:* Tired for no reason?* Having trouble getting up in the morning?* Depending on coffee or colas to keep you going?* Feeling run down and stressed?* Dragging through each day?* Craving salty or sweet snacks?* Struggling to keep up with life's daily demands?* Unable to bounce back from stress or illness?* Not having fun anymore?* Experiencing decreased sex drive?* Simply too tired to enjoy life?If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you will probably benefit from reading this book!Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome is a treasure trove of information and help for everyone who regularly experiences any of the above, or the many other signs of stress described in the book. Dr. Wilson explains that healthy functioning of your adrenal glands is essential to virtually all aspects of your health as well as to your ability to handle stress. For this reason, stress and adrenal function often also play a role in many health conditions, such as frequent infections, chemical sensitivities, allergies, autoimmune diseases like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, menopause and PMS, thyroid function imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome, low libido, chronic anxiety, and mild depression. All of these problems and more may be aggravated by the effects stress can have on your adrenal glands.Under certain circumstances, stress can fatigue your adrenals. It is estimated that most North Americans experience some form of stress-related adrenal fatigue at some time. Although many people realize that stress is a problem in their lives, few understand the actual physical ways stress acts on the body and mind through the adrenal glands – or more importantly, what to do about it. Unfortunately, even most doctors still do not recognize the common health picture produced by adrenal fatigue. This leaves a lot of people suffering without anywhere to turn for help. That's where Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome comes in.In Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, Dr. Wilson explains not only how stress affects your health but what you can do to un-fatigue your adrenals, protect your health and become more stress hardy. He has written this book in an entertaining, easy-to-follow style that is designed to guide you through everything you need to know about stress, adrenal fatigue and your health. It contains the questionnaire Dr. Wilson developed and used in his practice plus simple self-tests to help you determine if you are experiencing adrenal fatigue and how much it may be affecting you. Dozens of cartoons, illustrations, charts and fascinating case histories from Dr. Wilson's files make this book hard to put down. From beginning to end it will take you step-by-step to reclaim your life from the negative effects of stress.
Picture of a book: Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution

Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution

Don’t lose the will to become the person you want to be. Choose to Lose the weight, and start the next chapter of your life as the person you know you truly are.EAT MORE CARBSBURN FATBUILD MUSCLEQUICK-FIX RECIPESNO GYM REQUIRED CHEAT EVERY OTHER DAYFrom celebrated fitness trainer Chris Powell, star of ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, comes this inspirational weight loss book to help anyone conquer their weight.You’ve seen him change lives on television. Now, in Choose to Lose, Powell presents fast and easy workouts, diet guidance, basic recipes, and insight into finding the true transformation mindset. Following his Carb Cycle Solution, you can drop pounds safely and quickly while learning how to ‘listen to your body’ to optimize your overall health and fitness.Powell’s easy-to-follow Carb Cycle Solution contradicts everything you’ve heard about avoiding carbohydrates in an attempt to lose weight. Not only are you encouraged to eat carbs, but he will show you how to use them to amplify your weekly weight loss. By cycling between high-carb and low-carb days, your body will alternate boosting metabolism one day and burning fat the next. You will never feel deprived of the foods you love because you can fine-tune the solution to suit your needs. Powell gives you complete control over your nutrition, plus plenty of opportunities to indulge, and offers many delicious recipes to help you stay on track. If you work it, the Carb Cycle Solution may very well work for you—for the rest of your life.With detailed exercises and accompanying photographs, as well as guidelines on how to revamp your environment, support system, and more, Powell not only shows you how to lose pounds, but also works with you as a coach and mentor, teaching you how to finally take control of the incredible machine that is your body. His words of encouragement will be there day after day as you build unstoppable momentum, guiding your body toward your ideal weight. Great physical change begins with a psychological one: change your mind, change your body.
Picture of a book: The Adrenal Reset Diet: Strategically Cycle Carbs and Proteins to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, and Move from Stressed to Thriv

The Adrenal Reset Diet: Strategically Cycle Carbs and Proteins to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, and Move from Stressed to Thriv

Sara Gottfried, Alan Christianson
GO FROM WIRED AND TIRED TO LEAN AND THRIVING…    Why are people gaining weight faster than ever before?  The idea that people simply eat too much is no longer supported by science.  The emerging idea is that weight gain is a survival response.  Our bodies are under attack from all directions—an overabundance of processed food, a polluted world, and the pressures of daily life all take their toll.  These attacks hit a little known but very important set of glands, the adrenals, particularly hard.    One of their many jobs is to maintain a normal cortisol rhythm (cortisol is a hormone associated with both stress and fat storage).  When this rhythm is off, we can become overwhelmed more quickly, fatigued, gain weight, and eventually, develop even more severe health issues such as heart disease or diabetes. Unsuspecting dieters cause more harm than good by reducing the number of calories or carbohydrates they consume, which can disrupt cortisol production and cause weight gain.     In The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson provides a pioneering plan for optimal function of these small but powerful organs. His patient-tested weight-loss program is the culmination of decades of clinical experience and over 75,000 patient-care visits. In a study at his clinic, participants on the Adrenal Reset Diet reset their cortisol levels by over 50% while losing an average of over 2 inches off their waists and 9 pounds of weight in 30 days.  What can you expect?    • Learn whether your adrenals are Stressed, Wired and Tired, or Crashed and which adrenal tonics, exercises, and foods are best for you    • The clinically proven shakes, juices, and other delicious recipes, to use for your Reset    • New ways to turn off the triggers of weight gain with carbohydrate cycling, circadian repair, and simple breathing exercises    • An easy 7-day ARD eating plan to move your and your adrenals from Surviving to Thriving From the Hardcover edition.
Picture of a book: The Every-Other-Day Diet: The Diet That Lets You Eat All You Want  and Keep the Weight Off

The Every-Other-Day Diet: The Diet That Lets You Eat All You Want and Keep the Weight Off

"The Every-Other-Day Diet is the perfect diet for me."That's the satisfied declaration of a dieter who lost 41 pounds on the Every-Other-Day Diet. (And kept it off!) You too can expect dramatic results with this revolutionary approach to weight loss that is incredibly simple, easy, and effective. Created by Dr. Krista Varady, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, the Every-Other-Day Diet will change the way you think of dieting forever. Among its many benefits:It's science-tested, science-proven. Dr. Varady has conducted many scientific studies on the Every-Other-Day Diet, involving hundreds of people, with consistently positive results published in top medical journals such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Obesity. Unlike most other diets, the Every-Other-Day Diet is proven to work.It's remarkably simple-and effective. On Diet Day, you limit calories. On Feast Day, you eat anything you want and as much as you want. You alternate Diet Day and Feast Day. And you lose weight, steadily and reliably.There's no constant deprivation. The Every-Other-Day Diet doesn't involve day after day of dietary deprivation--because you can still indulge every-other day.It's easy to keep the weight off. With other diets, you lose weight only to regain it, the frustrating fate of most dieters. But The Every-Other-Day Diet includes the Every-Other-Day Success Plan--an approach to weight maintenance proven to work in a study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.This book offers all of the research, strategies, tips, and tools you need to believe in the Every-Other-Day Diet and easily implement it in your life. It also includes more than 80 quick and delicious recipes for Diet Day, as well as a list of tasty prepared foods that make meals as easy as 1-2-3.The Every-Other-Day Diet is perfect for anyone who wants to shed pounds and feel great, without hunger and defeat.
Picture of a book: The UltraMind Solution

The UltraMind Solution

Mark Hyman, Mark Hyman M.D.
As I read “The Ultra-mind Solution,” I was continuously reminded of a joke a friend and I used to tell in the 80’s anytime a certain commercial for a Home Remedy book would come on television: “Have cancer? Try a banana!” Only in this author’s case, it’s more like “Have autism? Try a glutten-free diet in combination with eliminating all sugar and caffeine and all food additives, and don’t get within two feet of mercury!” I almost hate to give this book such a low rating, because there is a great deal of good advice to be found within it. The problem is that the good advice is mixed up with so much misinformation, nutritional extremism, misapplication of statistics, self-promotion, and redundant writing that I cannot allow myself to increase the rating. I think this author makes a number of valid criticisms of the way we do medicine, particularly psychiatric medicine, today. But he ventures too far into the realm of pseudo-science and greatly discounts the value of pharmaceuticals. The primary problem is that there is no way to scientifically verify his assertions, since in his view the prescription varies so widely from person to person and involves a web of dietary, behavioral, and environmental changes that are entirely specific to the individual and that cannot heal the person’s mind-body problems unless made all in conjunction with each other. This is more like divination than science. (No wonder he charges his patients a $2,000 consulting fee--or so I've heard.) Despite Dr. Hyman's criticism of a one-size fits all approach to medicine (Have this disorder? Take this pill!), he takes the same approach to nutrition at times: EVERYONE should IMMEDIATELY eliminate “any form of sugar” from their diet. Really? Everyone? Immediately? ANY form? Yes, of course, for sugar is a “toxin.” Yes, it’s probably a good idea for just about everyone to reduce their intake of sugar to more moderate amounts. It’s not such a good idea to shout that the sky is falling and it’s made of toxins. Sometimes this guy is unintentionally funny, such as here: “So the next time you’re stressed out, think about how you’re killing your brain cells and take a deep breath.” Because whatever I was already worried about wasn’t enough…Hyman’s book includes a series of self-tests you can take to determine from which nutritional deficiencies you suffer (and these deficiencies are certainly causing any medical or psychiatric problems you may have). Then you can buy the supplements from which he profits to make up for those deficiencies. Here’s how a typical test goes (I’ve crafted this as a partial parody, but it’s not far from what he actually writes): VITAMIN BS QUIZ Check all that apply and then total your score. 1. I feel like I have more energy after I drink coffee. 2. I have autism, ADHD, depression, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, indigestion, allergies, asthma, PMS, frequent colds, OR headaches. 3. I drink three or more alcoholic beverages a week. 4. My nails are brittle or soft. 5. I feel tired in the morning when I wake up. 6. I sleep less than nine hours a night. 7. I want sex less often than I used to when I was young and it new and exciting 8. I drink tap water or bottled water. 0-2 points: You may have a mild BS deficiency. Follow my six-week program religiously. 2-4 points: You may have a moderate BS deficiency. Follow my six week program religiously and supplement with BS rich foods (outlined in Chapter 23) and the BS supplements I sell. 6+ points: You may have a severe BS deficiency. See your doctor and talk to him about my book and my supplements. If you didn’t already have a mental disorder, you might develop one thinking about how all those various “toxins” such as gluten and sugar and food additives you’ve been consuming for years are slowly killing you and trying to figure out which six or seven vitamins or nutrients you are deficient in and adding them to your diet and then figuring out what nine or ten foods or chemicals are contributing to your health and mental problems and then entirely eliminating them from your diet and environment. I mean, it’s hard enough dealing with a proven, tested nut allergy. Before I end this review, I’d like to leave you with a prime example of Dr. Hyman’s use of statistics. “Recent research has found that homicide mortality in the UK increased dramatically with the increase in concentration of linoleic acid from soy. The same thing happened in the U.S., Australia…” COME ON! Soy oil is responsible for the increased murder rate? I mean, I agree they put too much soy in everything (and, since my daughter has a soy allergy – a tested one, mind you – I’m well aware of how many things unnecessarily have soy in them), but, really – have you ever heard the adage “Correlation does not necessarily imply causation”? Might there have been one or two or three OTHER factors contributing to the increased murder rate, and isn’t it possible soil oil had, well, absolutely nothing to do with it? I think it may be time to give up on these health books. There is such a web of contradiction in the advice of doctors and nutritionists. Too much meat is killing you. Too little meat is killing you. Carbohydrates are bad. You need carbohydrates to feed your brain. Gluten is the source of all of our modern medical evils. You need more whole wheat in your diet. Soy is altering our hormones and causing problems. Soy is a great source of nutrition. Here’s all I know for sure: it’s better if I exercise more than I currently do and to eat fewer sweets and treats and fried foods.
Picture of a book: Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle

Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle

Diane Sanfilippo
Our great-grandmothers didn't need nutrition lessons—then again, they weren't forced to wade through aisle after aisle of packaged foods touting outlandish health claims and confusing marketing jargon. Over the last few decades, we've forgotten what "real food" is—and we're left desperately seeking foods that will truly nourish our bodies. We're disillusioned with the "conventional wisdom" for good reason—it's gotten us nowhere.Achieving optimal health without calorie-counting, diet foods, or feelings of deprivation has never been easier. Practical Paleo explains why avoiding both processed foods and foods marketed as "healthy"—like grains, legumes, and pasteurized dairy—will improve how you look and feel and lead to lasting weight loss. Even better—you may reduce or completely eliminate symptoms associated with common health disorders!Practical Paleo is jam-packed with over 120 easy recipes, all with special notes about common food allergens including nightshades and FODMAPs. Meal plans are also included, and are designed specifically to support:immune health (autoimmune conditions)blood sugar regulation (diabetes 1 & 2, hypoglycemia)digestive health (leaky gut, IBS & IBD)multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndromethyroid health (hypo and hyper - Hashimotos, Graves)heart health (cholesterol & blood pressure)neurological health (Parkinson's & Alzheimer's)cancer recovery fat lossathletic performance a "squeaky-clean" Paleo approachPractical Paleo is the resource you'll reach for again and again, whether you're looking for information on healthy living, delicious recipes, or easy-to-understand answers to your questions about how a Paleo lifestyle can benefit you, your family, and your friends.
Picture of a book: The Bulletproof Diet: Lose up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Energy and Focus, Upgrade Your Life

The Bulletproof Diet: Lose up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Energy and Focus, Upgrade Your Life

In his midtwenties, Dave Asprey was a successful Silicon Valley multimillionaire. He also weighed 300 pounds, despite the fact that he was doing what doctors recommended: eating 1,800 calories a day and working out 90 minutes a day, six times a week. When his excess fat started causing brain fog and food cravings sapped his energy and willpower, Asprey turned to the same hacking techniques that made his fortune to "hack" his own biology, investing more than $300,000 and 15 years to uncover what was hindering his energy, performance, appearance, and happiness. From private brain EEG facilities to remote monasteries in Tibet, through radioactive brain scans, blood chemistry work, nervous system testing, and more, he explored traditional and alternative technologies to reach his physical and mental prime. The result? The Bulletproof Diet, an anti-inflammatory program for hunger-free, rapid weight loss and peak performance. The Bulletproof Diet will challenge—and change—the way you think about weight loss and wellness. You will skip breakfast, stop counting calories, eat high levels of healthy saturated fat, work out and sleep less, and add smart supplements.In doing so, you'll gain energy, build lean muscle, and watch the pounds melt off. By ditching traditional "diet" thinking, Asprey went from being overweight and sick in his twenties to maintaining a 100-pound weight loss, increasing his IQ, and feeling better than ever in his forties. The Bulletproof Diet is your blueprint to a better life.
Picture of a book: Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body

Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body

Michael Matthews
If you want to be toned, lean, and strong as quickly as possible without crash dieting, "good genetics," or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym and money on supplements...regardless of your age... then you want to read this book. In this book you're going to learn something most women will never know: The exact formula of exercise and eating that makes losing 10 - 15 pounds of fat and replacing it with lean, sexy muscle a breeze..."and it only takes 8 - 12 weeks." This book reveals things like... -The 5 biggest fat loss myths & mistakes that keep women overweight, frustrated, and confused. -The real science of healthy fat loss that makes losing 1 - 2 lbs of fat per week not only easy, but guaranteed. -The HORRIBLE lies women are told about how to "tone" and "shape" their bodies, and what you REALLY need to do to have sexy, lean curves. -How to develop a lightning-fast metabolism that burns up fat quickly and leaves you feeling full of energy all day long. -The carefully-selected exercises that deliver MAXIMUM results for your efforts. This is how you quickly get a firm, round butt, toned legs, a flat stomach, and sculpted arms. -A no-BS guide to supplements that will save you hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars each year that you would've wasted on products that are nothing more than bunk science and marketing hype. -How to get lean while still indulging in the "cheat" foods that you love every week like pasta, pizza, and ice cream. -And a whole lot more! The bottom line is you CAN achieve that "Hollywood babe" body without having your life revolve around it-no long hours in the gym, no starving yourself, no grueling cardio that turns your stomach. SPECIAL BONUS FOR READERS! With this book you'll also get a free 75-page bonus report from the author called "The Year One Challenge." In this bonus report, you'll learn exactly how to exercise, eat, and supplement to make the most of your first year of training. By applying what you learn in the book and in this report, you can make more progress in one year than most women make in three, four, or even five (seriously!). Buy this book now and begin your journey to a thinner, leaner, and stronger you!
Picture of a book: The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

Sara Gottfried
The Harvard-educated physician and New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure shows you how to grow new receptors for your seven metabolic hormones, making you lose weight and feel great fast!When it comes to weight loss, most people don't think about hormones. But when you develop resistance to your seven major metabolic hormones--cortisol, thyroid, testosterone, growth hormone, leptin, insulin, and estrogen--your body adjusts by increasingly raising your hormone levels and ultimately slowing down your metabolism. And a slower metabolism leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. The solution, Dr. Sara Gottfried contends, is to reset the efficiency of your hormones by repairing and growing new hormone receptors.Based on leading scientific research, The Hormone Reset Diet is her proven weight loss and energy program to reverse hormone resistance in just three weeks. It will help you: Boost your metabolism and calorie burning by growing new and fresh thyroid receptors; Increase your weight loss by re-balancing estrogen and progesterone receptors; Reverse your aging by resetting glucocorticoid receptors (for better processing cortisol).For the last twenty years, this Harvard-MIT educated physician has helped thousands of women address the root hormonal causes of what bothers them most: excess weight, lack of energy, aging, and illness. Going beyond her bestselling The Hormone Cure, this program is the next generation of her deep understanding of hormonal optimization for rapid weight loss.
Picture of a book: Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life

Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life

Chris Kresser
An effective and practical program based on the Paleo lifestyle, customized to fit your needs! As the Paleo movement sweeps the nation, the health benefits of following the lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer forebears are undeniable. But what happens when we hit a wall and weight loss stalls, energy flags, or we're tired of restricted eating? We're not cavemen anymore, so why should we follow a strict caveman diet? In YOUR PERSONAL PALEO CODE, Chris Kresser uses the Paleo diet as a baseline from which you can tailor the ideal three-step program-Reset, Rebuild, Revive-to fit your lifestyle, body type, genetic blueprint, and individual needs. Kresser helps further personalize your prescription for specific health conditions, from heart disease and high blood pressure to thyroid disorders and digestive problems. Along with a 7-day meal plan and delectable, nutritious recipes, YOUR PERSONAL PALEO CODE offers natural solutions and an avalanche of groundbreaking advice on how to restore a healthy gut and immune system; how to eliminate toxins; which fats to eat liberally; how to choose the healthiest proteins; and much more. Best of all, you only have to follow the program 80% of the time; there's room to indulge in moderation while still experiencing dramatic results. Based on cutting-edge scientific research, YOUR PERSONAL PALEO CODE is designed to be flexible and user-friendly, with helpful charts, quizzes, and effective action steps to help you lose weight, reverse disease, and stay fit and healthy for life.
Picture of a book: The 21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar  Carb Cravings Naturally

The 21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar Carb Cravings Naturally

Diane Sanfilippo
"The 21-Day Sugar Detox" is a clear-cut, effective, whole-foods-based nutrition action plan that will reset your body and your habits! Tens of thousands of people have already used this groundbreaking guide to shatter the vicious sugar stronghold. Now it's your turn! Use the easy-to-follow meal plans and more than 90 simple recipes in this book to bust a lifetime of sugar and carb cravings in just three weeks. Three levels of the program make it approachable for anyone, whether you're starting from scratch or from a gluten-free, grain-free, and/or Paleo/primal lifestyle. "The 21-Day Sugar Detox" even includes special modifications for athletes (endurance, CrossFit, HIIT-style, and beyond), pregnant/nursing moms, pescetarians, and people with autoimmune conditions. What you'll experience on this program will be different from a lot of other "diet" programs out there that promote extremely restricted eating; encourage you to consume only shakes, juices, or smoothies; or rely heavily on supplements and very-low-calorie or very-low-fat diets to ensure success. The goal of any detox program should be to support your body in naturally cleansing itself of substances that create negative health effects--and that's exactly what The 21-Day Sugar Detox does. By focusing on quality protein, healthy fats, and good carbs, this program will help you change not only the foods you eat, but also your habits around food, and even the way your palate reacts to sweet foods. You'll likely complete the program and continue eating this way much of the time thereafter because you'll feel so amazing. After changing your everyday eating habits, you will begin to gain a new understanding of how food works in your body--and just how much nutrition affects your entire life. There's no reason to wait! Sugar is taking over our lives. But why? And is it only those sweet, refined white crystals that are causing us problems, or could there be more to the story? Let's be honest: The problem isn't just sugar itself. It's the refined, nutrient-poor carbohydrates that carry tons of calories, but no real nutrition. In our world, these are the easiest foods to grab on the go, but they leave us fat, sick, tired, and downright unhappy. The effect that sugar, "hidden" carbs, and refined, processed foods have on our bodies goes far beyond our waistlines. We can't focus, we can't sleep, we have irrational mid-afternoon cravings, and we can't even make it through the day without wanting--or needing--to prop up our energy levels with caffeine or even more sugar! What can we do to break free from this cycle? "The 21-Day Sugar Detox" is here to help.