
Picture of a book: Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy
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Picture of a book: The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince

The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince

Serena Valebtino, Serena Valentino
Geez, this one was rough.((sigh)) There's not a lot here and what is, wasn't great. Please know, this hurts my heart to write this. I have all the books in this series and am obsessed with the covers and naked books. I have read the first book in the series, Fairest of All, and gave it four stars. I don't know if maybe the fact that Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale made me judge this one differently or if it is, in fact, the content. First, I absolutely hated the Prince/Beast. There was nothing redeemable about his character at all and his story arc was 100% flat. I don't feel he evolved AT ALL. Spoiler Alert: Belle ends up with him and you're like, NOOOOOOO!While reading his chapters, all I could picture in my head was Joffrey Baratheon, and any GOT fan knows that is not a compliment. The story itself was all over the place. Some parts of the book were taken directly from the Disney movie (the original animated one that I have watched 2,568,401 times) which normally wouldn't bother me, but the dialogue was exact and it didn't explore any of the scenes at all. It felt so rushed and there was no heart behind it. Picture: Beast saving Belle from wolves, here's a library, Gaston & Beast fight, a kiss, THE END -- in about 20-pages with no coherent connection or exploration of ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.One thing I did enjoy was the friendship of the Prince and Gaston prior to him being cursed. That was interesting and I thought that added to the original story in a unique way. Even though this one let me down, I am definitely planning to read the rest of the books in the series. Maybe the others will work for me more as I am not as attached to the stories and characters. I would recommend this for a MUCH younger audience; perhaps tweens wouldn't feel as bent with it as I was! Thanks for reading my rant.
Picture of a book: Conceal, Don't Feel

Conceal, Don't Feel

Jen Calonita
I'm a huge lover of a lot of Disney movies. And initially I also really loved Frozen. And then the hype happened. Everyone was talking about Frozen. Frozen was around every corner, in every store. Every girl wanted to be Elsa (and surprisingly never Anna, because she doesn't have magic, I assume?) and Let it Go (in the version of Idina that gives me headaches) echoed everywhere around me. I never watched the movie again.But, this book reminded me why I loved the story so much and what the true power of this story is. This twisted tale is different from the other twisted tales I've read so far, but in its own way it's still amusing, entertaining and unique. A lot of scenes from the original movie make an appearance in this book, but twisted, in a different context or at a different time. It creates a strange familiar and yet original feel at once.And the heart of the movie, the heart of the story? That has only grown stronger and more prominent in this version of the tale. This tale is even more about the love between two sisters, unconditionally and without doubt. It's even more about two lost girls finding their way back to each other, facing every obstacle. It's about two young women knowing one thing for sure in a world full of questions: They need to help the other, because the other needs them.Thank you so much for letting me rediscover this tale and why I loved it so much! (And thank you for making Hans's betrayal hurt even more in this version of the tale ;-))
Picture of a book: Part of Your World

Part of Your World

Liz Braswell
Well, that was a book...I wasn't crazy about this one, guys. I just never felt connected to it.It makes me so sad.It's possibly my fault. I finished the lastest edition to the Twisted Tales line-up, Mirror, Mirror, last month and really enjoyed it. Compared to that one, which does have a new author to the series, this one felt very flat and forced.The format of this one worked against it, IMO. The other books I have read in this series follow the events of the Disney movies fairly closely in the beginning. Then one plot element will change, be 'twisted', and the rest of the book will explore what could have happened following the new plot twist.This one did not do that. It began years after the final events of The Little Mermaid, the twist being that Ursula had won and was now married to Prince Eric.Y'all, Ursula slays, so I am fine with that. It was just the story focus was much more political and there were just odd little details everywhere. I don't know, it just felt so off to me in comparison with the other books in this series.I think maybe if you aren't as familiar with The Little Mermaid animated Disney film, you may actually enjoy this more. I think for people who are hella nostalgic over that movie, this book just won't have the right tone for you. But, then again, I could be completely wrong and completely in the minority opinion on this, so, bottom line, if this sounds interesting to you, pick it up!There is a reader for every book. Sadly, I just wasn't the reader for this one!