
Picture of a movie: the show must go on
Picture of a movie: Angel and Big Joe
Picture of a movie: mischief
Picture of a movie: a seafaring dog
Picture of a movie: a bird of africa
Picture of a movie: Digby: The Biggest Dog in the World
Picture of a movie: Cold Pizza
Picture of a movie: the flying sorcerer
Picture of a movie: winter of the witch
Picture of a movie: nina and the street kids
Picture of a movie: the firefighters
Picture of a movie: Sirius
Picture of a movie: egghead's robot
Picture of a movie: charlie the rascal
Picture of a movie: bag on bag
Picture of a TV show: the shopping bag lady

91 Movies, 1 Show

CBS Children's Film Festival

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Films that were shown on this program from the 1960s and 70s.