
Picture of a movie: Le Quattro Volte
Picture of a movie: Happy as Lazzaro
Picture of a movie: We the Animals
Picture of a movie: The Florida Project
Picture of a movie: Ordet
Picture of a movie: The Wonders
Picture of a movie: A Chiara
Picture of a movie: Hide Your Smiling Faces
Picture of a movie: Stop The Pounding Heart
Picture of a movie: Lost and Beautiful
Picture of a movie: Corpo Celeste
Picture of a movie: Approaching the Elephant

12 Movies


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Picture of a movie: Sworn Virgin

Sworn Virgin

Hana Doda, still a girl, escapes from her destiny of being wife and servant which is imposed on the women in the inhospitable mountains in Albania. She appeals to the old law of the Kanun and swears her eternal virginity thus becoming a "sworn virgin". She turns into a man, takes up a rifle and becomes Mark, Mark Doda. It is in exchange for this sacrifice that Hana is allowed to be considered at the same level as other men. Her battle does not only mean that she must rebel against what destiny has been writing on her body for centuries, but she must also reject, in name of this rebellion, every form of love. A refusal that becomes her prison. After more than ten years spent in solitude in the mountains as a man, she becomes brutish and she transforms to survive the hardship, the cold and misery, until something returns to awaken her again... Hana decides to change life and painstakingly regain her body. She knows that leaving the mountains is the price she will have to pay to be able to go back to living. A journey drags her away from her arid land, a journey that will mean she will have to revisit her past and exhume memories and feelings that she was made to bury in oblivion. Following a path that is a continuous and subtle crossing of two different and distant worlds, of the past and the future. In a modern Milan metropolis, she struggles to leave her man's clothes and learns to be woman. She experiences the heady sensation of physical contact with others, and she finds dear and beloved people that life had taken from her and there opens an unexpected and forbidden possibility of love. Mark not only returns to being Hana, but she is also able to piece the two souls back together that for years have lived inside her body and she is reborn as a new, free and complete.
Picture of a movie: Two Days, One Night

Two Days, One Night

Sandra Bya, married with two children, has been off work from her job at Solwal on medical leave for depression. During her absence from work, her boss, M. Dumont, on the suggestion of her immediate supervisor, the shop foreman Jean-Marc, figures that her section of the company can function with sixteen people working full time with a bit of overtime instead of seventeen with no overtime, that seventeenth person being Sandra. Because of the global competition the company faces, Dumont decides the company can only finance the annual bonuses for those sixteen employees, which are EUR1,000 per person, or Sandra's job, leaving the decision to those sixteen. On a Friday near the end of her medical leave, Sandra learns of this situation from her friend and co-worker Juliette after the "show of hands" vote is held, the result a 13-3 decision for the bonuses over Sandra's job. Because Juliette knows Jean-Marc, who is determined to get rid of Sandra, influenced the vote by scare mongering through misinformation, Juliette and Sandra, at the end of the working day on Friday, are able to convince Dumont to hold another secret ballot on Monday morning, with Sandra needing a majority to keep her job, meaning nine votes. By Saturday morning, Sandra's supportive husband, Manu, convinces her that over the weekend she should speak to each and all of the thirteen who voted for the bonuses to get them to change their minds. The Byas not only need the income from Sandra's job but Manu believes the job is a symbol for Sandra of her own self worth, important now in her tenuous mental state. As Sandra reluctantly goes about this task, she finds that not only is she uncomfortable being in this somewhat confrontational situation, but that the people who voted against her have their own household conflicts over their own EUR1,000, which would keep some of them afloat financially. As the weekend progresses, Sandra will find if she is strong enough emotionally to deal with the situation.