
Picture of a TV show: Berserk
Picture of a book: Atlas Shrugged
Picture of a movie: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Picture of a movie: The Making of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Picture of a book: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts
Picture of a movie: star wars: episode iv - a new hope
Picture of a movie: Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Picture of a game: BioShock
Picture of a game: The Stanley Parable
Picture of a game: Fallout: New Vegas
Picture of a game: World of Goo
Picture of a game: katamari damacy
Picture of a game: we love katamari
Picture of a game: Okami
Picture of a game: Fallout
Picture of a game: Team Fortress 2

16 Games, 14 Movies, 9 Shows, 6 Books, 3 Music Artists

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