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8 Books, 6 Shows, 3 Authors


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Picture of a book: The Hero of Ages

The Hero of Ages

Brandon Sanderson
This is not a review. This is a story, a story about a man who opened the first pages of Mistborn: The Final Empire.Back in August 2016, there was a man who lived in emptiness. He was probably clinically depressed, but he would never know; he didn’t get himself checked. His heart didn’t ache, his smile was freely given, but he was never happy; he felt empty every day. Damages were added when he realized his hobbies didn’t interest him that much anymore, which resulted in reluctant social interaction with his friends. His insomnia was so acute that he couldn’t sleep without alcohol so he drowned in it every night. These symptoms were most likely the aftermath of cumulative mental damage afflicted by those closest to him. His best friend spread lies about him, his closest cousin stole tons of money from him, and then he lost his job and his then girlfriend dumped him. He was alone. He told himself, this can’t be it. There’s always a way to come back stronger. He decided to do something new; he decided to fully immerse himself in reading novels. There were countless choices out there and he didn’t know what to choose first, but on the 1st of September 2016, he dived into the mist and hope was born.He was completely addicted. By the end of the trilogy, reading fiction, especially fantasy, became a drug for him. Amazed by the five-year struggle, the characters in the book became incredibly real to him and he lived through every single event with them. He knew that the end of this trilogy was the beginning of what he hoped would be an everlasting adventure. He knew that he had become deeply entrenched by the power of words.This is not a review; this is a story. A story about a renewed man who closed the last page on The Hero of Ages as a different person from the one who first picked up the book. A story about me, rising out of the mist a better man. \ \ “I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages.”\ \ Picture: The Hero of Ages by breath-artI’ve read and reviewed more than 200 novels within the past two and a half years. I won’t lie; during that journey, I’ve read series that I think are better than this trilogy. However, when it comes to a matter of importance, this trilogy stands at the utmost top and there will never exist another that could change that situation for me. Finishing this trilogy watered the flower of hope in my garden. I found a lot of friends who have the same hobby as me, I found a new job, I found a new girlfriend who loves to read and understand my passions; I’m not empty anymore.Some readers will consider Brandon Sanderson a weak author who doesn’t deserve his success. Some will consider his books or characters to be poorly written. Some will envy Sanderson because he’s more successful than their favorite authors. All of these are views they have every right to hold; after all, we’re all entitled to our opinions. For me, he’s none of these things. Sometimes I wonder if I would have become the man I am today if I had picked a different series to start my literary adventure. Maybe I wouldn’t have fallen in love with fantasy novels so deeply; maybe all the blessings I mentioned before would not have aligned with my stars. However, that’s a question I can’t answer.I know that I haven’t talked about this concluding installment and what made the book superb. But thinking about it, when a book has managed to change the core of my lifestyle, I doubt I need to fully explain what made this trilogy amazing. Like I said, I won’t claim this trilogy is the best series out there, because it’s not. It’s one of my favorites but I’ve encountered plenty that are definitely better. However, nothing can change the fact that the Mistborn trilogy will always be the most important novels in my life. It sparked my love for reading fantasy novels; it’s an alpha in my endless journey to find omega. I haven’t met Sanderson and I don’t know if I ever will; he most likely won’t ever read these words and that’s okay. A reader and author are connected most of the time by a monetary relationship. I pay to read their story, and they need money to keep on making stories; I’m content with doing that. It’s time for me to put an end to this portion of my story; more adventure awaits. Brandon Sanderson, here are my closing sentences for you:No matter what anyone else says about you, your works are responsible for changing my life for the better. For that, no words will ever be enough to express my gratitude.This is not a review; this is a story. A story about me, and I’d like to thank Brandon Sanderson for sparking my love for reading novels. \ \ “You are, fortunately, my hero of ages.” - Petrik\ \ Picture: Mistborn trilogy by Marc Simonetti\ Series Review:\ Mistborn: The Final Empire: \ \ 5/5 stars\ \ The Well of Ascension: \ \ 5/5 stars\ \ The Hero of Ages: \ 5/5 stars\ Mistborn trilogy: \ 15/15 stars\ You can order the book from: Book Depository (Free shipping)You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions
Picture of a book: The Queen of the Tearling

The Queen of the Tearling

Erika Johansen
An untested young princess must claim her throne, learn to become a queen, and combat a malevolent sorceress in an epic battle between light and darkness in this spectacular debut—the first novel in a trilogy.Young Kelsea Raleigh was raised in hiding after the death of her mother, Queen Elyssa, far from the intrigues of the royal Keep and in the care of two devoted servants who pledged their lives to protect her. Growing up in a cottage deep in the woods, Kelsea knows little of her kingdom's haunted past . . . or that its fate will soon rest in her hands.Long ago, Kelsea's forefathers sailed away from a decaying world to establish a new land free of modern technology. Three hundred years later, this feudal society has divided into three fearful nations who pay duties to a fourth: the powerful Mortmesne, ruled by the cunning Red Queen. Now, on Kelsea's nineteenth birthday, the tattered remnants of the Queen's Guard—loyal soldiers who protect the throne—have appeared to escort the princess on a perilous journey to the capital to ascend to her rightful place as the new Queen of the Tearling.Though born of royal blood and in possession of the Tear sapphire, a jewel of immense power and magic, Kelsea has never felt more uncertain of her ability to rule. But the shocking evil she discovers in the heart of her realm will precipitate an act of immense daring, throwing the entire kingdom into turmoil—and unleashing the Red Queen's vengeance. A cabal of enemies with an array of deadly weapons, from crimson-caped assassins to the darkest blood magic, plots to destroy her. But Kelsea is growing in strength and stealth, her steely resolve earning her loyal allies, including the Queen's Guard, led by the enigmatic Lazarus, and the intriguing outlaw known simply as "the Fetch."Kelsea's quest to save her kingdom and meet her destiny has only just begun. Riddled with mysteries, betrayals, and treacherous battles, Kelsea's journey is a trial by fire that will either forge a legend . . . or destroy her.
Picture of a book: The Slow Regard of Silent Things

The Slow Regard of Silent Things

Patrick Rothfuss
Deep below the University, there is a dark place. Few people know of it: a broken web of ancient passageways and abandoned rooms. A young woman lives there, tucked among the sprawling tunnels of the Underthing, snug in the heart of this forgotten place.Her name is Auri, and she is full of mysteries.The Slow Regard of Silent Things is a brief, bittersweet glimpse of Auri’s life, a small adventure all her own. At once joyous and haunting, this story offers a chance to see the world through Auri’s eyes. And it gives the reader a chance to learn things that only Auri knows...In this book, Patrick Rothfuss brings us into the world of one of The Kingkiller Chronicle’s most enigmatic characters. Full of secrets and mysteries, The Slow Regard of Silent Things is the story of a broken girl trying to live in a broken world.AUTHOR’S FOREWORD You might not want to buy this book.I know, that’s not the sort of thing an author is supposed to say. The marketing people aren’t going to like this. My editor is going to have a fit. But I’d rather be honest with you right out of the gate.First, if you haven’t read my other books, you don’t want to start here.My first two books are The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear. If you’re curious to try my writing, start there. They’re the best introduction to my world. This book deals with Auri, one of the characters from that series. Without the context of those books, you’re probably going to feel pretty lost.Second, even if you have read my other books, I think it’s only fair to warn you that this is a bit of a strange story. I don’t go in for spoilers, but suffice to say that this one is ... different. It doesn’t do a lot of the things a classic story is supposed to do. And if you’re looking for a continuation of Kvothe’s storyline, you’re not going to find it here.On the other hand, if you’d like to learn more about Auri, this story has a lot to offer. If you love words and mysteries and secrets. If you’re curious about the Underthing and alchemy. If you want to know more about the hidden turnings of my world...Well, then this book might be for you.