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Picture of a TV show: Desperate Housewives
Picture of a TV show: Friends
Picture of a TV show: Ally McBeal
Picture of a TV show: Malcolm in the Middle
Picture of a TV show: My Name Is Earl
Picture of a TV show: Scrubs
Picture of a TV show: Seinfeld
Picture of a TV show: Cheers
Picture of a TV show: M*A*S*H
Picture of a TV show: Zorro
Picture of a TV show: Little House on the Prairie
Picture of a TV show: Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Picture of a TV show: Bonanza
Picture of a TV show: Skippy
Picture of a TV show: Lassie
Picture of a TV show: Flipper

20 Shows

Childhood after school-shows

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TV-shows they showed after school, and before dinner, in Norway around 1990-2010-ish

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