
Picture of a movie: Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Picture of a movie: The Kings of Summer
Picture of a game: jet set radio future
Picture of a podcast: The Giant Beastcast
Picture of a game: Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Picture of a TV show: baman piderman
Picture of a TV show: Dorohedoro
Picture of a TV show: MythQuest
Picture of a movie: Balance
Picture of a musician: sam westphalen
Picture of a musician: Roche Limit
Picture of a musician: P.O.S.
Picture of a TV show: this old tony
Picture of a musician: Kaura
Picture of a movie: Falling Down
Picture of a musician: Collapse Under the Empire

13 Shows, 12 Music Artists, 9 Movies, 8 Games, 1 Book, 1 Podcast

Semi-Obscure Stuff That I Dig the Everloving Shit Out Of

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and wish other people did too

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