Shows like maid-sama
Maid Sama! is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Hiro Fujiwara. Produced by J.C.Staff and directed by Hiroaki Sakurai, Maid Sama! follows the relationship and romance between Misaki Ayuzawa, the female student council president of Seika High school which was once all-boys now co-ed school but is still male dominated, and Takumi Usui, the mysterious and the most popular boy at Seika High, who knows Misaki secretly works part-time at a maid cafe.
The anime ran in Japan from April 1 to September 23, 2010 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System and was later simulcast three days later after the Japanese airing in Asia from April 4 to September 26, 2010 on Animax Asia with English subtitles. In North America, The Anime Network started streaming the series via their online player on June 15, and distributed it via Video On Demand on August 5, 2010. The series is licensed in the North America by Sentai Filmworks. Animax Asia's English adaptation aired in Southeast Asia from November 25, 2010 to December 30, 2010.