
Alternative Rock
French Rock

Music like Mademoiselle K

Mademoiselle K

Mademoiselle K


Mademoiselle K is a four-person French rock band currently signed with EMI, as of July 2007. The band takes its name from its leader, Katerine Gierak, and so the K is for Katerine.

At age four she had decided to take music as her only path when she saw a guitarist in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Her mother then signed her up for early music classes when she was five years old. She said in an interview that she had wanted to learn the piano, but since she and her family couldn't afford one and also didn't have the room for a piano, she instead learned the recorder.

At about the same time she had also started studying music including scales, rests and other music theory. In her school she had met a music teacher of the name Annick Chatreux. According to Mademoiselle K, Annick explained to her that there are no barriers between music based on genres, and that music was simply music. This advice helped Mademoiselle K to be open to all types of music including jazz, classical etc.

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