

Music like El Sueño de Morfeo

El Sueño de Morfeo

El Sueño de Morfeo


El Sueño de Morfeo (English: Morpheus' Dream) is a Spanish band from Asturias. Their musical style is pop rock fused with Celtic, folk rock and indie pop elements. They represented Spain at Eurovision Song Contest 2013 with the song "Contigo hasta el final (With you until the end)".

The band was originally formed in 2002 under the name Xemá, with a clear influence of Asturian folk music. Their debut album, Del interior, was released that same year, but failed to generate commercial success. This album was recorded while David Feito, from Asturias himself, and Raquel del Rosario, from the Canary Islands, were giving music lessons at the Colegio Internacional Meres in Siero, Asturias, together with teachers Andrés Alonso (keyboard and accordion) and Antón Fernández (bass guitar and guitar). After the launch of this first album, the band had to decide if they would go on as Xemá or create a new project, opting for the latter.

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