
Movies like The Break-Up Artist

The Break-Up Artist

2014, Zili Zhang


The Break-Up Artist is a 2009 romantic comedy film directed by Steve Woo starring Amanda Crew, Ryan Kennedy, Moneca Delain, Peter Benson, Ali Liebert, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman and Serinda Swan.

Britney (Crew) is a woman whose profession is to 'break up' with a significant other for people. One day she meets Rick (Benson), a charming gentleman who lures Britney into a relationship with his alluring looks and sly wit. She later discovers that he's the head of another break-up company and is stealing all her customers, which is putting her into debt. He dumps her using one of his staff who claims to be his best friend. Britney is outraged and heartbroken by the abrupt turn of events. She plots and schemes to put Rick out of business.

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