
Movies like seven dwarves

seven dwarves


7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (German: 7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald), is a German comedy film, created in 2004 by Otto Waalkes, which follows the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves by the Brothers Grimm.

The film, created by the NRW Film Fund (Filmstiftung NRW), was the second most popular film in German cinemas in 2004, reaching an audience of almost 7 million. It also counts as the 4th most successful German film ever in Germany since the audience payment cap.

Little Red Riding Hood is picking flowers when she decides to enter Unterwaldt, a dark forest. The dwarf Bubi spies on her, but is attacked by a bear, who turns out to be the disguised dwarf Tschakko. As looking at a woman is forbidden by the dwarves, he is punished by having squirrels tickle his feet.

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