
Movies like los últimos días

los últimos días


The Last Days (Spanish: Los últimos días) is a 2013 Spanish science fiction thriller film directed by David and Àlex Pastor. The film had its world premiere on March 20, 2013, in Barcelona, and stars Quim Gutiérrez as a man who must deal with the potential end of all humanity.

Office worker Marc scavenges for food in a downtown Barcelona building that has been ravaged by a catastrophic event. Directed to the basement to help dig a tunnel, he almost causes its collapse as he panics over the fate of his girlfriend Julia, who was staying at his apartment at the time of the catastrophe. When they break through to a neighboring building, he meets Enrique, who tells Marc that they can talk later. A flashback reveals that Marc, working as a computer engineer, faced possible termination by Enrique. Afraid of losing his job, Marc resists Julia's desire to have children. The following morning, Marc watches a video of a teen who commits suicide because his father could not understand or believe in his acute agoraphobia.

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