
Movies like le grand restaurant

le grand restaurant


The Big Restaurant (French: Le grand restaurant) is a French comedy thriller film from 1966, directed by Jacques Besnard, written by Jean Halain and Louis de Funès and starring Louis de Funès and Bernard Blier. The film is known under the titles The Restaurant or The Big Restaurant (international English title), What's Cooking in Paris (U.S.), El gran restaurante (Spain), Das große Restaurant (East Germany), Oscar hat die Hosen voll (West Germany) and Chi ha rubato il presidente? (Italy).

Septime runs a top Paris restaurant, fawning to customers (unless they are German) and bullying his staff. Novalès, head of a Latin American country who is on a state visit to France, comes to dinner and is served a speciality of the house, a flambéed dessert. When Septime lights it, it explodes.

Picture of a movie: le grand restaurant

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