

Movies like Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes

1992Jon Avnet


Evelyn Couch is having trouble in her marriage, and no one seems to take her seriously. While in a nursing home visiting relatives, she meets Ninny Threadgoode, an outgoing old woman, who tells her the story of Idgie Threadgoode, a young woman in 1920's Alabama. Through Idgie's inspiring life, Evelyn learns to be more assertive and builds a lasting friendship of her own with Ninny.

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Lists with Fried Green Tomatoes

Image of Films to watch
Image of Films to watch
Image of Films to watch
  • 343 Movies
  • 2 Shows

Films to watch

List includes: The House Bunny, Bring It On, Idiocracy
February 2023

User Image: amieperry-thorne
List by
Image of Films i love
Image of Films i love
Image of Films i love
  • 229 Movies

Films i love

List includes: 500 Days of Summer, Avatar, Donnie Darko
February 2023

User Image: amieperry-thorne
List by
Image of Watched
Image of Watched
Image of Watched
  • 262 Movies


List includes: 500 Days of Summer, Alice in Wonderland, Shrek
January 2023

List by
Image of Girl Gangs in Film
Image of Girl Gangs in Film
Image of Girl Gangs in Film
  • 189 Movies
  • 51 Shows

Girl Gangs in Film

the magic that happens when women band together
January 2023

User Image: truthwolf
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Image of Seen Before, Watch Again (rating pending)
Image of Seen Before, Watch Again (rating pending)
Image of Seen Before, Watch Again (rating pending)
  • 320 Movies
  • 28 Shows

Seen Before, Watch Again (rating pending)

Movies I've seen and don't remember enough to rate but would like to watch again... or movies I never finished.
January 2023

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Image of Where All the Women Are
Image of Where All the Women Are
Image of Where All the Women Are
  • 121 Movies
  • 87 Shows

Where All the Women Are

Women Led Shows
December 2022

User Image: seclayto
List by
Image of Media dump (full list)
Image of Media dump (full list)
Image of Media dump (full list)
  • 624 Movies
  • 151 Shows

Media dump (full list)

Stuff I have taken in.
December 2022

List by
Image of 80's, 90's nostalgia movies
Image of 80's, 90's nostalgia movies
Image of 80's, 90's nostalgia movies
  • 38 Movies

80's, 90's nostalgia movies

Favorite movies from 80's, 90's and early 00's, some great movies in those decades, to remember and rewatch forever <3
December 2022

User Image: katarinastanojcic
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Image of Childhood Films
Image of Childhood Films
Image of Childhood Films
  • 544 Movies
  • 369 Shows

Childhood Films

nostalgia for times before responsibilities
December 2022

User Image: truthwolf
List by
Image of Want to watch
Image of Want to watch
Image of Want to watch
  • 78 Movies

Want to watch

List includes: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Up, 10 Things I Hate About You
December 2022

User Image: hermanfields797adf46
List by
Image of nostalgias
Image of nostalgias
Image of nostalgias
  • 210 Movies
  • 41 Shows


List includes: Shrek, She's the Man, Napoleon Dynamite
November 2022

User Image: lorem-ipsum
List by
Image of Movies to see
Image of Movies to see
Image of Movies to see
  • 95 Movies

Movies to see

List includes: The Crazies, Drag Me to Hell, 12 Monkeys
November 2022

User Image: joesomething404
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