

Shows like gato fedorento: esmiúça os sufrágios

gato fedorento: esmiúça os sufrágios


Gato Fedorento is a Portuguese surreal comedy group, known for their subjective and absurd satire centering both on the Portuguese language and the Portuguese social reality. The group is composed of the four comedians José Diogo Quintela, Miguel Góis, Ricardo Araújo Pereira and Tiago Dores. They started their comedy careers as screenwriters, writing for other comedians, which later developed into their own television shows, radio programs, a talk show and several advertising campaigns. They have been credited with introducing and popularizing the surreal humour genre in Portugal and are one of the most important influences in the modern Portuguese comedy. Their humour is heavily influenced by Monty Python.

Picture of a TV show: gato fedorento: esmiúça os sufrágios

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