Books like Baby Doctor
Baby Doctor
I've been a nurse for 30 yrs now. (wow!-Hard to believe!) The training of MDs has always been kind of a mystery to me, so when one of my colleagues gave me this book to read, although I wasn't particularly interested in reading it, once I started I found the book interesting from an academic point of view. Also, since my son is considering med school, it was interesting from a personal point of view, knowing a little more about what it takes to make it through residency. Although I found a couple of things that I thought were incorrect in it, and wondered how they slipped through, (like a baby doesn't breath until the cord is cut-WRONG!!!) It was educational. It was a book I put down and read something else for entertainment, but I determined to finish the book and I'm glad I can add it to my shelf as books I've read. Its worth reading- especially if you or someone you love is going to med school.