Books like Point Blank
Point Blank
In this new mission, Alex Rider has to infiltrate a secretive boarding school for spoiled teenage kids of rich parents who need a little bit of etiquette.So Alex Rider takes on a new identity… and personality! Indeed, he is required to blend in – act spoiled, wear dirty clothes, be unpolite, etc. I must say, if spying as a career does not work out in the end for this young man, he could surely become an actor.I mean, he is really, really good at making people see what they want to see and not who he truly is. But at the same time, if spying as a career does not work out for him, it’s because it’s killed him, so there wouldn’t be a possibility for a career switch, now would there?Just like its predecessor, POINT BLANK is full of mystery, action and danger. It was good to see Alex Rider make a friend, even if of short duration. He says he has friends at school, but that’s just words without proof of friendly interaction with someone else of his own age. I guess I’m concerned for his well being. I can’t help but want to continue following his adventures. I feel as though he deserves someone to be there with him, because he is almost always alone. Why should that person not be me? Oh God, Lola, relax, he’s fourteen! But I can’t help it, Alex Rider so needs a hug, especially after what Alan Blunt did to him. Vile man? Vile man.Blog | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Google+ | Bloglovin’