
Fairy Tales
Young Adult

Books like Once Upon a Marigold

Once Upon a Marigold

2004Jean Ferris


This is the cutest book in the entire world. You kind of just want to hug it and squeeze it and call it George, because it's just that damned cute. The subtitle is "part comedy, part love story, part everything-but-the-kitchen sink," and that's pretty accurate. I got a bit of a Princess Bride type of vibe from it. I just kept giggling throughout - totally mixed up fairy tale, just slightly surreal and a bit mocking. So much fun!(Okay, there were some parts where the author was clearly trying too hard to keep the tone and did a bit too much telling instead of showing- this was mostly evident with the three older sisters who came for the wedding. But by that time, I was so involved that it only registered as a minor annoyance, and the end was back to the original level of fun. I kind of wonder if an editor was responsible for those pages, because they stick out.)
Picture of a book: Once Upon a Marigold

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