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Books like Inherited Danger: The Dawning of Power

Inherited Danger: The Dawning of Power

2012Brian Rathbone


The second book in the Dawning of Power series. It was an adventurous, interesting read. There were many more interesting characters in this one, which made it enjoyable. As far as fantasy books go, it’s fairly average and you won’t be disappointed with it. I read it quickly but not urgently, and as with the first book, there were many times I had to just ignore that voice in my head saying “what the?” and “as if,” and “you’ve got to be kidding me”. As with the first book, if you’re looking for an easy read in a genre you like, these are pretty standard and will give you a good read. If you liked the first book, well I think this one gets better in some ways, so you’ll probably really like this one.Official review over. Rant begins now. Here is a selection of the things which frustrated me with this book.(view spoiler)[ * The main character has no goal. She's not working towards anything. She doesn't know what she's doing. I tried to explain to someone while I was reading it what the 'big save the world story line' was, and honestly, the main character has no idea, so why would I? She doesn't know what she's doing, or what she wants to do, or anything. * People seem to die for no reason. It wouldn't affect the plot either way, so why kill them? Why bring them this far if that's all you were going to do? (i.e. horseman and mother monk, and also, now that I think about it, her father)* There is one scene with the bad guy in it, and he barely gets a mention. Not the big showdown I was expecting. Pretty pathetic bad guy for someone so apparently evil. Why didn't she (or the others) just kill him and be done with it? Why was she more scared of her fiance than the evil guy? * The logic of 'let's hide where they won't look for us' didn't really work. The enemy knew that's where they were heading, so why did they continue on that path - that was the only reason they were going there. Would have been easier to destroy all the enemy and stay right where you are. As I said, there's nothing driving the plot forward except that they just keep moving.* Benjin - really - with all his super amazing skills, he didn't think to hide his giant bag full of gold coins? He didn't think to protect them from bad guys? He didn't notice they were robbing him? And then why worry about the coins in the story line anyway, if they weren't going to need any and it made no difference whether or not they were robbed?* Catrin knew she wasn't going to get married because she was planning on destroying the statue halfway why was she going on about her wedding day like it was real?* Catrin’s grandmother changed personality so damn quickly. That was weird. Also, Catrin was ‘teasing’ the scary guard and tripping him? Seriously? That’s wasn’t realistic either. And where did he disappear to anyway?* How the heck did the enemy (Zjhon) all of a sudden know where they were hiding?* Why didn't Benjin mention he knew the woman at the monk, and why didn't they go for that one in the first place? Kept that a secret until the right time, for no reason at just seemed to pop up out as a coincidence.* What did revealing Benjin’s story on the ship achieve? Why trap him into revealing it when it really didn’t tell anyone anything helpful?* When Catrin asks for herbs to help Chase. Um, you’re not the herb healer, Benjin is.* Catrin’s a teenage girl and she never has thoughts about boys, even when she gets kissed. * All of a sudden Strom, Osbourne and Chase have made it their life goals to protect Catrin. WTF, why? Why do they care about her so much, even more than each other and themselves? I mean, Chase, ok, he’s family. But I just don’t believe these teenage guys are all so obsessed with making their lives about protecting her. * It’s frustrating that Catrin ‘never knows what she’s going to do’. Well she obviously did have some idea, because she knew what to do straight away. Why doesn’t she even try to think of a plan? Why didn’t she ask anyone how they destroyed the statues in the old days? If the rest of the books are going to be like this (i.e. no plan, I’ll just show up and think of something in a split second under pressure) then I don’t know if I could keep reading. (hide spoiler)]
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