Books like Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings
Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings
We canremark in passing that there is no better starting point for thought than laughter. In particular, thought usually has abetter chance when one is shaken by laughter than when one’s mind is shaken and upset. The only extravagance ofthe epic theatre is its amount of laughter.This is a much more disparate collection than Illuminations. Surely this is to be expected The isfting and editing. The indecision. Reflections' opening section A Berlin Chronicle is a cartographic autobiography. It is a spatial narrative in the weirdest sense. There is a disorientation present. I also liked the Conversations With Brecht and the Author as Producer though my attentions waned upon approaching the lengthy piece on Karl Kraus. The concluding fragments appear rich with insight but frankly I was spent by that time.