

Books like Be Obsessed or Be Average

Be Obsessed or Be Average

2016Grant Cardone


This is my first time writing a book review so bear with me. I purchased this book a few weeks ago because of the numerous advertisements and people recommending this book to me. I do have to say that I do get sick of reading the same self - help books over and over again because they all say the same thing. Work hard, give it your all and put in 120% effort. Below I am going to list a few different concepts that struck chords with me and discuss them. At the end I will rate the book out of ten. 1) "What matters at first is realizing the capacity to be obsessed". This line really spoke to me because I enjoy getting obsessed with leisure activities like video games, T.V. shows and hanging with friends. I already know I have the capacity to be obsessed, now I must find out how to redirect that obsession towards more positive activities. It seems obvious, but this line helped point out my strength and weakness at the same time, now it is important to apply it to something constructive. 2) "Only you are responsible for your success". I grew up in a neighborhood where many people got nice things handed to them and I wasn't necessarily one of them. Things helped put things into perspective. Once when I get the understanding that I am not some billionaire heir and take responsibility into my own action I can achieve what I set my mind to. 3) "When you are clear on your purpose you will never burn out". I think the reason why many of us face shortcomings our are excited to go home from work is because we aren't truly satisfied with what we are doing. This again is an obvious statement, but why aren't we finding out our purpose? If we find ourselves burning out maybe that activity isn't aligned with our best interests after all. I think that it is crucial that we all take a step and analyze what we are all doing this for. 4) "You know, your dad had his company taken away from him when he took on partners" and "I can't even believe you are thinking about that! It's so expensive to live there and everyone who lives this is crazy" These quotes hurt the core of my spirit because I have heard these two things numerous times. Instead of my family, friends, etc being supportive of me they dished out these two phrases line for line. While these two activities do take on risk, I believe naysayers and people not being supportive of your goals will hinder you from success more than anything else. 5) Personally I have had many haters in my life and I am sure many of you have also. It is important to just cut these people out. I don't see why anyone would let these people's negativity get to you too much. 6) I have friends who participate in drama, gossip, talking bad of others. Grant touched on the point of dominating yourself and not others. This is true in every aspect. Don't worry what others are doing, do your own thing. Respect other people's decisions but don't dwell on what they are doing with their lives. 7) Almost every business and professional help book states you are who you surround yourself with. This book sent a graceful reminder to keep that in check. While I do understand that we need to try to get away from negative people, it is so easy and fun to dwell in the hateful troll basement. This helped me reinforce to surround myself with only the best of the best. 8) Money is a direct correlation of the value you add on society. I have read hundreds of finance books, I am a finance major and I love studying personal finance. There is no need to dwell to much on this topic, but if you want more money, simply find a way to add more value to society.9)"Most know more about the most recent celebrity scandal than they do about their job". Just quit looking at Facebook and social media feeds everyone. Most of it is junk and propaganda. Its so easy to get a dopamine rush scrolling through the feed but 95% of it is garbage and drama that will in no way shape or form improve your life. I appreciated this reminder Grant. 10) The last point I would like to point out is the vacation abundance chapter. This one really hit home with me. He simply stated that if you can't afford to go first class on vacation they you shouldn't be on vacation. I 100% agree with this statement. Our society has this stigma that you need to be on vacation every year, use your PTO and get good deals on trips. What are you going on vacation for? Have you achieved your goals? My parents used to always state that we must operate on a budget, get an affordable rental and make two of our meals on vacation everyday. Why are we on vacation if we can't even afford to eat out in class? I do believe in the concept go big or go home. Celebrate when you have achieved your dreams, not when it is time to use your PTO. Overall I really enjoyed this book. I will rate it at a 9.5/10. It was pretty neat I snap chatted Grant Cardone of me finishing the book and he snapped me back. I don't know if that was someone on his team or actually him but it felt great hearing him congratulate me. Overall I would highly recommend checking this book out. I am sure you will have a few points like I did that help you audit your life and thinking for the better.
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