
Science Fiction
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Books like Swords Against Wizardry

Swords Against Wizardry

1986Fritz Leiber


More of Leiber's finely-crafted tales of adventure featuring barbarian Fafhrd (whose bluff exterior hides one frequently given to flights of fancy or romance) and thief Mouser (who would describe himself, not altogether with cause, as the more practical of the pair).In this case, we have two quite long stories and one shorter linking piece. First, in "Stardock", F & GM find themselves on the far side of the Cold Waste scaling the mountain Stardock, whose peak pierces the very firmament. (There were these parchment poems, see, that promised to the one brave enough to scale Stardock great rewards, both pecuniary and amorous ...)Then, in the bridging piece "The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar", our heroes attempt to dispose of any pecuniary rewards they may have recovered with ... varying degrees of success.And then finally, in "The Lords of Quarmall", longest of the three stories, they find themselves recruited separately and secretly to aid one or the other of the two sons of Quarmal, Lord of Quarmall, an unpleasant and mostly underground city, who seek champions from distant lands as they conspire against each other and their father. It's an altogether horrible place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there ...
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