
Speculative Fiction

Books like 三体:十周年纪念版 Remembrance of Earth's Past: The Three-Body Trilogy

三体:十周年纪念版 Remembrance of Earth's Past: The Three-Body Trilogy

2017Liu Cixin


本书包含3册,其中《三体》讲述了“文化大革命”如火如荼进行的同时,军方探寻外星文明的绝秘计划“红岸工程”取得了突破性进展。但无人料到,地球文明向宇宙发出的第一声啼呜,彻底改变了人类的命运。四光年外,为了生存挣扎的三体文明接收到了地球发来的信息。在运用超技术锁死地球人的基础科学之后,三体人庞大的宇宙舰队开始向地球进发……《黑暗森林》讲述了庞大的三体舰队杀气腾腾直扑太阳系,尖端科技被锁死的地球人面对前所未有的危局。人类制订神秘奠测的“面壁计划”,秘密展开对三体人的反击。“面壁计划”与人类的太空舰队,哪一样才是人类的希望?“黑暗森林”意昧着什么?文明在波谲云诡的宇宙中又该如何存续?《死神永生》讲述了与三体文明的战争使人类第一次看到了宇宙黑暗的真相,地球文明像一个恐惧的孩子,熄灭了寻友的篝火,在暗夜中发抖。使两个文明命悬一线的“黑暗森林”打击,不过是宇宙战场上一个微不足道的插曲。太阳系中,最后直面宇宙残酷真相的,只有两双眼睛。"This set consists of three volumes. Set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, The Three-Body Problem tells that the secret military project Red Shore of establishing contact with aliens sees a dramatic breakthrough. Unexpectedly, the first signal sent from the earth to the space completely changes the human destiny. Four light years away, the Trisolaran Civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal. After locking the earth's basic science with super-tech, the huge Trisolaran Fleet sets out to the earth. The Dark Forest tells that the combative Trisolaran Fleet marches towards the solar system and human beings, whose cutting-edge technology is locked, are in an unprecedented crisis. Human beings make a mysterious Wallfacer Project to launch a secret counterattack against the Trisolarans. The Wallfacer Project and the Human Space Fleet, which is the hope of mankind? What does the Dark Forest mean? How will the civilization survive in the universe full of changes? Death's End tells that human beings see the dark truth of the universe for the first time from the Doomsday Battle with the Trisolarans and the Earth Civilization, like a frightened child, extinguishes the bonfire of looking for friends and trembles in the night. The Dark Forest Deterrence bringing an uneasy balance between the two civilizations is just a minor interlude of the cosmic battlefield. In the Solar System, there are only two pairs of eyes that face the harsh truth of the universe."
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