

Books like Everything Can Be Beaten

Everything Can Be Beaten

2003, Chancre Scolex, Crab Scrambly


Fans of the disturbingly cynical and surreal, juvenile and violent yet almost borderline drunk philosophical humor of you-know-who, and the artwork of Mr. Scrambly will likely enjoy this, at very least on a superficial visual level alone- if feeling by the end disappointed at finding it too short and simplified. It's pretty much what you'd get if you asked an angry 8 year old boy during a high fever to write out a children's book as fast as he can. Or asked David Firth of the 'Salad Fingers' and 'Spoilsbury Toastboy' cartoon series' fame to write one. Part of me is disappointed at the lack of backstory and character development, and confused over not having a clearer grasp if this little book is just an excuse to have crazy violent idiotic loose fun, or be a heavier statement about...something-something. The other part of me just goes: "What on earth else DID you expect or want out of this amazing creative team-up?" If you're a fan of Scrambly's art, JTHM, I Feel Sick, FillerBunny, or Squee!'s series, or any other similarly surreal dark little pieces out of underground comic zines like the "BLAB!" anthologies, or indy goth comics, this will be likely up your ally, at least somewhat. To the uninitiated to that genre or the author's other work, it's going to be a very short but very eyebrow raising probably uncomfortable ride and I don't think you'll be exactly left wanting more but you will certainly know you've found something you won't be seeing anywhere ELSE, even among its own brethren. Some kids probably would love it for the sick humor, the twisted cartoony over the top visuals, and the very simple narrative, but I wouldn't recommend reading it to most kids under the age of 7 as it might give them pretty bad nightmares. If that's your intent anyway or they're already pretty desensitized, go for it. Maybe the innocent yet dark imagination of youth will help probe the sad metaphors that lie behind this story. .........Or maybe it's just about beating kittens and video games. Who knows. Something mildly inspirational and deeper lies within this simple tale, but like with Shel Silverstein's 'The Giving Tree' for the life of me I can't pin down what and you probably shouldn't try to find out because that's likely not what the author wants anyway. Oh my god did I really just use 'The Giving Tree' as a comparison to something by Mr. Scolex? Yeah, actually, that book has in a much calmer, poetic, non-violent timeless sense, an almost identical feel. This is like the gorier, deranged, acid taking bastard child to that story, in terms of narrative tone. I will never know for sure, but somehow doubt either authors of those works would disagree with me on that comparison. Those of you who have read it will know what I am talking about.

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