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Books like Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom

Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom

2006, Sean B. Carroll


Dnf'd. Not because it is a bad book, boring or not well-written, but because it turns out that my appetite for evolutionary biology does not extend as far as embryology. I just cannot summon up the interest to concentrate and have to keep rereading and looking (again and again) at the illustrations. Maybe this is one for the future?Notes on reading Not getting on with this, I'm not really fascinated that fingers might have once been 8 digits with different functions and this is how they might have looked (line drawing of bones) but now we have five with similar functions. Maybe I've just fallen in love with Carl Zimmer's writing and can't adjust to a drier more academic style.I seem to be stuck in an evolutionary biology phase. Great title, great cover, I hope the writing lives up to it.

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