

Books like Curious George Visits the Zoo

Curious George Visits the Zoo

1985H.A. Rey


Curious George goes to the zoo for the first time and there is a lot to see. He looks at all the animals. He also sees what all the people are doing. After a while he got hungry and found a man with a bucket of bananas. He took them and ran off towards the monkey cage. Once he got there he saw one of the monkeys had taken a kids balloon. George knew exactly what to do. He may have caused some problems but he knew how to save the day. Then him and the man with the yellow hat went home. Curious George is a very well know character. This book is easy to read and simple to follow along with. He always causes trouble but finds a way to make it all better in the end. Curious George is also a t.v show so kids can watch him as well. There are also games they can play online to be even more involved with his stories. I think Curious George always gives good messages. He's always doing the best he can, trying to help out, and do whats right. The illustrations are all very colorful and details. The pictures take up most of the page and the text is on the bottom. The pictures all look very realistic.
Picture of a book: Curious George Visits the Zoo

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