
Epic Fantasy

Books like Blade of Fire

Blade of Fire

2007Stuart Hill


Book 2 continues the Saga of the never ending battle of the IceMark. I must say that I have been totally engulfed by all species. To the point thhat sometimes I forget if I am thinking about Wolf folk , Snow Leopards or human kind. The relationship between the species are so human that sometimes their does not seem to even be a difference. Book 2 has you swapping locations within a moment. One moment you are in the great room of the Icemark Palace. Next you will be crossing the creepy land of the Ghost Land or with Kristafitsa and her cubs in the Ice Sheet. On the Ocean on your way to meet the great desert people. All things relating to our reality at the same time. I am on page 441, with the third book on reserve at the library. Thanks Noodles for another good series. You know I will be hitting you up for the next series to get hooked too.

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