
Conspiracy Theories

Books like Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News

Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News

This book helped me to understand that the liberal bias I see in the news/Hollywood (which I always assumed was common knowledge but I guess not, judging by the Goodreads reviews of this book) is not the result of a massive left-wing conspiracy. Reporters tend to be very liberal, and so they actually see the news from a very liberal perspective. That was comforting, but at the same time depressing.I got fired up about many parts of the book. The acceptability of lambasting men on the news, the stereotypical "dumb dad" on every sitcom, makes me boiling mad (what are we doing to society? to our families? to the men we love?). And probably nowhere was I more outraged than in the chapter on daycare. I feel very strongly that we are doing our kids a big disservice by allowing them to spend 40 hours a week in daycare, and that kids DO need a parent home full-time, and that you CAN'T have it all as a parent, and I feel that it's become explosively un-PC to even suggest such a thing anymore. I think the media has worked really hard to create an environment where such things just aren't said out loud, and is pretty proud of itself for having done so.The only complaint I have about the book is the endless personal attacks on Dan Rather, despite the vehement assertion "I have no personal vendetta against The Dan." Really hurts Goldberg's credibility, in my opinion. Obviously he had some issues with Rather to work through, but I wish he would have done it in his personal journal rather than in a published work of non-fiction.

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