
New Age
Self Help

Books like Angel Medicine

Angel Medicine

2005Doreen Virtue


This is one of the many books from Doreen Virtue and it's basically divided into two parts. The first part covers various experiences of hers including a visit to Greece, while the second part deals with various healing approaches.There are several very interesting bits in the first part. She is talking about what one guy told here while in Greece. He claimed that 300,000 years ago beings who called themselves the Pleiadeans arrived on our, and that some of their DNA is in us and relates to our spinal column. They apparently mixed with beings who were here so present-day humans are hybrids of the two races.They Pleiadeans were also not mammals but were serpents or serpent-like, apparently from a planet where reptilian life forms had evolved intelligence rather than mammals (which is something that could have happened on this planet if the dinosaurs had not been killed out 65 million years ago.)Atlantis is also discussed and it seems that at least some Atlanteans had considerable psychic abilities.A guy claims to know about the 'hollow earth' idea, and that various beings live there including dwarves, fairies, Atlanteans and non-Pleiadean aliens. He claimed to know various entrances to the area and showed her, but at no time did either he or she actually go underground to see if there was anything there.That early forms of pre-human may have been altered by aliens from another planet has been believed for quite a while by some people. I severely doubt that the Pleiadeans, if they existed, were actual serpents; I think by 'serpent' the people who wrote about them long ago were really talking about reptilian in nature.I do think that if there were any DNA in the human genome that was so different it could be identified as alien would have been found long ago. The idea of races living underground is also not knew, but there is no actual proof of any such thing. The guy who claimed that these races existed did not offer any proof at all. Even if he could not have shown Doreen Virtue any of the races he could at least have had some kind of photographic or written proof he could have shown here.Basically, anybody can claim anything, but proving what they claim is true is another matter entirely. I'm not saying that what the guy said about the Pleiadeans is total trash, or any of the other stuff he said, but I'm not going to accept it as being real without some form of proof being offered.The second part of the book relates to angels and healing and deals with the use of light and colors in healing, chakra cleansing, working with crystals, self protection and various other topics. Now this section is another kettle of fish entirely as these healing principles have been known for hundreds if not thousands of years. There are numerous books on the subject and numerous cases in which people have been healed by the use of things like crystals, laying on of hands, color therapy, etc.Either every single person who claims to have been healed by these means is self-deluded (which is pretty much statistically unbelievable) or there is really something to these methods of healing.I have used chakra cleansing, aura cleansing and healing with energy and found it works. It's real. Is it a substitute for regular doctor-type medicine? No. These types of energy healing should be a supplement to regular medical approaches. There is no conflict between the two approaches expect in the mind of some ultra-skeptical medical people who refuse to believe anything other than the tested scientific approach to helping people.Overall it's an interesting book, the second half being the strongest.
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